Hi there FlyOrDie team, I was wondering if it wouldn't be too much trouble to allow us to play unrated games as well? And, perhaps an Undo Button for misclicks as an option. LOve and light, Contessa
Unrated games and Undo Button
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Other Board Games
Unrated games and Undo Button
Hi there FlyOrDie team, I was wondering if it wouldn't be too much trouble to allow us to play unrated games as well? And, perhaps an Undo Button for misclicks as an option. LOve and light, Contessa
I support the request of both new features. Also I would like to be able to download a PGN for games of the recent past. Since these are already listed in the personal stats window, I suggest adding a link here would be suitable. Perhaps also downloading the last 10 of them in a zip file? Regards, LK16
There is an unrated room for unrated games. Undo button for missclicks? That will never happen:p If you make a missclick then that is your fault:D
I had know idea we had a Unrated room. Suppose it's Room #2. Thanks for that. Undo doe misclicks our fault? Maybe, however, they are accidents. Different strokes for different folks's...Vinco Online Gamesite, playok.com and other sites have that option. No matter. I'll accept responsibility for one. :)* :P There's more to an Undo Button then meet's the eye. When there is a lesson being given it is a great help to go back and discuss the wrong or the right move. You know. Warm regards, Contessa*
hello is there any chance we could play dominoes on here. as it is a board game thanking you