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Tip to Improve the Game
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Tip to Improve the Game
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Tip to Improve the Game
I have noticed far too often that it is very hard or impossible to tell if you are shot stone between two stones.  I suggest that there should be something at the bottom or the top of the screen saying if yellow or blue is shot rock and how many the colour sits.

I hope you can add this to the game, would improve it dramatically in my opinion. :)
You should notice that the rocks that count for points are slightly brighter than the rest of the stones of that colour. For example, if yellow lies two, those two stones will be "highlighted", for lack of a better word. 
WOW I have seen the colour change before, but I never knew it was to show which stones are shot (I thought it was simply something to make the game look cooler LOL)

I  like to see this, a little communication goes a long way 
Hate to be the one advocating maximum realism, but anyways. In real curling one often can't know for sure who sits shot (or who's second, third or fourth for that matter). It's purely up to eye measurement as it here, apart for counting rocks lighting up. It sort of a part of the strategy determining what order the rocks are lying, as you can be pretty sure, but still be wrong.

In real curling the measuring stick (when needed) will only be brought out after the last shot of the end to determent the score of that end. 
I agree with Snella! In real curling measurements aren't done until the end is finished.  

The 'lit up rocks' gives too much information as is.
I tend to agree with the measurement stick philosophy above (as an aside, I do notice that occasionally that some very close highlighted rocks switch after a shot, I expect due to an internal rounding difference).

My question for those who do curl in real life is what about guards? in the FoD version, it's easy to tell if a a guard is in the rings because it lights up. Not so in a real match...how does one know if it needs to be replaced if taken out before the 3rd rocks are thrown? 
In real curling, a measurement can be called to determine if a rock is in the rings or in the Free Guard Zone. This is one of two exceptions for measuring a rock during an end. The other is to determine if the rock has cleared the back line or is still in the rings.Otherwise, measurements can only occur after the final rock of the end has come to rest.
white  They have a stick that is the same radius as the outer ring. It is put in the centre and if goes by a rock without touching it, the rock is not in the rings. If it touches, it is in and therefore not in the Free Guard Zone.
Dear developers - It may be an interesting game play option to disable the "light-up" feature at mutual request of the players.