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Happy Birthday to you Grant !
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Happy Birthday to you Grant !
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Happy Birthday to you Grant !
Just a brief note to wish you A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! or as our Grandparents would say, MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY !

I hope you are well and happy, we all send our best wishes to you and your lovely family.

What would you like to do to celebrate ? Don't reply "what we did when we were twenty three years old," I'll have another divorce on my hands ! However, I thought you might like to come over one Friday night, and have a nice party with some of our common friends.

Please do keep in touch, as it is always a pleasure for me to spend time with you !

Happy Birthday Again ! :)

The Piercing Eye 
Ty so much for the birthday wishes Cassandra :) will have to organize the "party" for a friday night here on fod   lil bit far for me to travel lol        thnx again cheers