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Canadian Provinces Tournament 
Canadian Provinces Tournament 
Canadian Provinces Tournament 
Hello thanks to all participants. Each player must play all other provinces in a 10 end game. If a tie must then play a 1 end game to decide winner. to let me know the winner either reply here or Kik (app) jaypower510. Good Luck to all the players and if you have any questions or concerns please let me know.Good Curling, And let the tournament BEGIN.

 Nun- Jock Kuta
 PEI- DancingPancake
 SK- Sahil95
 NWT- Curlnovascotia
 NB- HoglineHacker
 QC- AsianDonkey
 MB- dnero
 NS- Wulliebhoy
 Yuk- NotJohnShuster
 BC- Aiglon
 NL- 510Lions
 AB- ObsessiveCurler
 ON- JenJonesFan

Don't hesitate to ask any questions and please let me know all winners ASAP good luck making it to playoffs. 
hey all, just to let you all know my Kik username is "Aiglon360" just like my nick here...so if you want to set up a time to play the match versus me, please give me a shout! :)
I had no idea I was in this tourney. lol
Don't you think 12 10-enders will take forever to complete?
I know Jen is right. I have to go back to Aus in April
its possible to do if you play when you are on there is lots of time but the sooner the better
Quit the whinging, count yourselves honoured that you are amongst the elite & have been carefully chosen to represent these provinces. It was a difficult job narrowing it down to this 13 & some big hitters were left disappointed so c'mon guys have fun & enjoy. 
Hi Jen, I should take some of the blame of that because I was organising this tourney, too...maybe Mr.77 or someone else from Ontario could take your spot.  No worries. :) :)
Jen is staying put, has been a bit grumpy lately but time of the month I suppose.
JenJonesFan won't have enough time to play and will need a replacement...if someone would like to represent Ontario in this tourney, it would be much appreciated. :)

      First to reply will get his spot.

Nun- Cubemonkey
PEI- DancingPancake
SK- Sahil95
NWT- Curlnovascotia
NB- HoglineHacker
QC- AsianDonkey
MB- dnero
NS- Wulliebhoy
Yuk- NotJohnShuster
BC- Aiglon
NL- 510Lions
AB- ObsessiveCurler
ON- Wegma

Jock Kuta out   Cubemonkey in
hey everyone hope your playing your games let me know who is winning asap :) GL all
Justin you never posted your score v Sahil. We spoke the other night about a lost connection being a replay well my connection went away last night v Sahil after 6 ends or so so what do we do?
I am pretty sure we need to count disconnections as losses in this tourney or else you could just disconnect when you are losing...
just  FYI to everyone, my kik username is seaner00.
ObsessiveCurler doesn't wanna play. He wrote that he doesn't enter to this tournament.
I'll play.....
I just didn't know I was entered is all :p
MUST replay lost connections unless score is 5 points in the difference, great job everyone keep posting im out of town and trying to do my best.
fyi i will be available to play almost all tomorrow and thursday. just kik me at seaner00
I still have to play:

dancingpancake; NotJohnShuster; cubemonkey; dnero; AsianDonkey

I'll be available most of the day!