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When is Your Birthday?
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When is Your Birthday?
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When is Your Birthday?
Just a curious thought....

I would like to see who has their birthdays on what months & what days....we dont need to know the year ;\

I will start off first....

My birthday i s May 18...
April 24th........wow that was interesting
November 6th..

Which is nice..........
me n RDC have 1 n only 1 thing in common the birthdate ;\
December 11th.......but soooo long ago I forget the year neways :p
:::puts dec 11 in her agenda::: :p
*rubs hands 2gether and thinks wot Fine could possibly buy me 4 my birthday* :p

And,  NO.. I don't want a new iron!!!:D;)

a new washer is it then....:p
hmmmm *thinks*....all depends on the spin drying performance!! ;) :p
lmao, i know the craziests peeps.....hey chik we gotta play sometime soon, been ages. :p
yep we sure do, but as the washing has just finished I'm off 4 a lie down, I'm all worn out :p

Catcha L8r, be good and tc hun :)
have a nice nap hun, im bout to go do the same :p tc, catch ya on the rebound
Umm" Not to interrupt But' when is your birthdays ?
Mine is april 26th:)

mines 28th May not dat any 1 cares :(

March 2nd :d I was only two days off being born on a leap year. Think about it, I could only be 4 years old this year!
Mine was On the 9 of this month same day as ranks:) 
In the year, 1566...second of july...they dont call me jules verne for nothing
i'd have to check but i think mine was on friday the 13th
August 3rd. all pressies gratefully accepted ty
HALLOWEEN!!!!! :D:D:D Which is the Friday after the Friday after tomorrow... Arent I smart?

Yes I'm serious. My sister was born on Mothers day, aaaaaaannnnddddd... Nothing else.

October 31st.

Mine is:

Feb 21st

Is that the month of love :-? :|

:D ;;)
My cousin and I both were born on March 13th which was a Friday no less... Which unlike you, makes Friday the 13th my lucky day... :D  
My birthday is 14th of april ..the same date the titanic struck the iceberg...why do i get the feeling i should have been born on a different date? lol
Dude you sound like a Vietnam Vet with all that war stuff...
WOW...never expected this to go on still.....

Well all I have to say is........

Happy Birthday
 for those who's birthdays are coming up...
Happy Be-lated birthday
 for those who's birthdays have past...

Now the real question is....
What are the ages???   lol

That would be interesting to see!!!!

...........long enough 

PLEASE lock this!!!!!!!!:p"

so has this :D:p;)
oi sad eyes ,i dont go into your post and say ....this .........has ...gone ......long enough ....... lock it lol ....... some posts have a bit of relevance .....im not sure about this one though...oh well such is life :|
Ahh c'mon Jingle....just having a little fun....
Sorry I RUINED your post.....

(But....it has dragged on long enough)  lol
hasn't this gone long enough and can you guys please stop trying to be mods:)
Its ok i'll let you off sad eyes lol
Hey Sandy, 

My happy birth cake is 
August the 17th :)

I would like.....

Lets not go there !! ;\

Catch you later sands,

DB :p 

Ahh Jingle ur kind....lol
BTW...you never stated ur birthday?? or did you?;\

  LMAO...Happy Be-lated Birthday Andy...did you get what you want ;)?????

Well Sandy Its to late for my birth cake now :(
But Crimbo is coming soon, Stream said father crimbo is
coming to my house..lol, (Santa for amercians;\)
Theres lots of things I'd like but I could make
good use of this ridiculously priced item :D 


What you would like to know the price...? 
..lol ! don't go there ;\

Oh what the ..., stick an eos 1Ds on to sand's..

...you know you've always been me best mate sands :D and its very kind of you to agree to buy me these nice things

.....I've been a good boy..... :)

But if you can't do that then a card would be champ :D

hehe Catch you later peep peep :)

DB :p

*Stream will tell you I've been goody boy.. lollol* ;)
I was looking back at some old posts and I came across this one... Let's start it up again :p

29th September here ;)

march 28th:) my dad's is on september 11th:|
March 19th :D it coming up ;) remember pls

x x Nikki x x :D

Mine - June 4th B-)
My Birthday is 28th December..so i suppose you could call me a belated Christmas Cracker..lol :p
I got da best birthday 14th Feb :p Always get Cards 
:) cool Jamez... its the best day to have a birthday on 
in my opinion :p

hehe June 4th Rocks 
Nov. 20th
Not going to even think of the year lol
Feb 4th here...a good day to fly!!

OK..takin a weeee break from work...
Doing a re-cap on all the months...

Jan : 2
Feb : 3
Mar : 10
Apr : 7
May : 4
June: 4
July: 4
Aug : 5
Sept: 2
Oct : 4
Nov : 5
Dec : 3

Hmmmmm  March is a busy baby month.... so counting back 9months...  there were lots of happy ppl in June  lol


Thnx for keeping this post going..


:_|  damm back to work I go......
How odd that the month the topic comes back is the most popular... :p
People must have their minds on their birhdays :p

september 1st.   very stressful month
April 28th (H)

and this forum is 2 years old...

thats longer than most have played here :p
May 3rd.....don't be shy people feel free to shower me with gifts and cards
What are the odds, wow, mine is May 3rd as well..
yay, mines May 7th...Ty in advance :)
May 14th

p.s urs is the same as my dead Nans :(

at least our b-days are on a Sat this year :D
Mynes today!!! wooooooghooooooo

19th march :D 

It been a great day, I going bowling and then going to have a meal with my family tomorrow :p

2/24/89 do the math ;) (Feb. 24, 1989)






date: 08/30/1992 of the year of the monkey and this date is interesting cause toronto airshow always starts on this date lol...
omg.. thanks for the happy b-days then. :( ?
Oct. 21st. Hope to actually celebrate it Home next time.
My birthday is April 28th.

I just wanted to bring this back :p
april 9th not long now:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
I been bearing water from my planet Uranus for 16 years now since february 10. 

N' I just wanna open this first day of April by giving an early H-B-Day greetins then to all ya April babies. Cheeyaz!

november 6th 1986.......4 days shy of being able to vote in the last election
I think I'll add a new date to my reminder:
april 3rd 2005. 

my birthay is on december 28 to 
Wasn't Streamline's Birthday on December 28th as well?
Check page 5 of this thread to find her post. 

3 Christmas Crackers? Merry Christmas!

I have just had my birthday, it was on the 11th April, so 
'happy belated birthday to me,
'happy belated birthday to me,
'happy belated birthday to cream rose,
'happy belated birthday to me'

Now isn't that sad.
Well happy birthday to everyone who is having a birthday this year, lol.
Yes my birthday is 28th December ;)
3 ppl with the same birthday in here. how did we get so lucky to have a birthday around the time everyone is broke! lol  one good thing...the party start on christmas eve and ends on new years day!  ;)
Well mine is on the same day that this thread was posted by sandy. Sept 9. and when i had my sweet 16 birthday my birthday date was 9-9-99 cool huh? 
mines october 20th. wish it was on halloween tho. :( . i dont know wat i want tho...i would like a nice email for anyone tho. ttyl
am bringin it back once again, Mine is 24th April
I was born in 31 of December
Last day of year
nov 22nd always the best day of the yr

March 22nd 
THATS the BEST day ever ;)
best day ever?  february 29th.  only comes once every four years, that's how special it is!  it would be too much for people if it came around every year.

June 18

I get presents every 6 months :D

Quite scary this topic was began way back in 2003...and i was the 2nd one to post :]]

November 29th.
:D But I Can Better Speak Dutch Words Because I'm Dutch.
Dus Voor De NL Ik Ben 29 November Jarig:)
well you mentioned best days of the year. February 5th for me for lots of reasons.

grandads birthday
parents anivarsay(was grandads 50th birthday on day of marriage)
and my half birthday as born on august 5th
