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Hiya, Mod dears,
Have an idea that could, "Kill two bird's with 0ne stone.
Please consider creating new Smiley face's.
You could have a contest. It could bring new paid member's as well. Let us all suggest with words and/or by making a new Smiley for FlyOrDie. The winner's of the one's chosen would possibly, a month, 6 month, or a years subscription. We could create them in paint Shop etc.
People frequently have thought I was a Moderator, guess because I uphold you Rules and make sure gentely, welcome everyone, chat a gr* deal. Player's have asked me many times could FlyOrDie have even* More Smiley's?-I do not know what this entails or if it's possible.-Suggestions from me are, food...pizza, animals, birds, moon, star's and sun. Whatever~*-This contest could be hyped up advertised well.-Take months to do.-Other side of coin, perhaps Only paid member's could enter it.-What do you gr8 Mod's think? 
Oh, I'd be glad to help in anyway, knowing how busy MOD'S are.-
Ur humble & grateful FlyOrDie othello servant,
Just Contessa 
Ty for all u do:)))*
I like this idea, mainly because I dislike the current smiley icons we have. The :D and >:> faces are used by people trying to be mean 98 percent of the time. It would be good to see different emojis/smiley-icons
Remove would be best, not useful to play or to chat.
Emoticons just the prank.

It' s my personal vision.  
Hiya, Just me here, Contessa.
For me, I like all the "Smiley's." They're fun as all heck. Didn't realize they caused lag etc. Especially, the animated one's. Still and all, me thinks most adore them. It keeps @ least the reversi/othello room's light hearted and many people dearly appreciate a flower, gift,and, a kiss...
Since they cause lag, it's my belief that it is up to individual player's to ask others not to use them in their game's. In fact, many player's when playing Red and/or Orange Shield  one's just don't because they are more serious game's, big points, status is at stake, out of sheer respect and it's best to learn without any typing whatsoever.--There is a Mute button in the games and Lobbies. Always useful to get those messages across.~* Wink.
In Othello without emoticon's it would be way 2 dang serious. We get many peeps accused of cheating, being program etc. Contrary to other Post I read in my humble opinion, the majority of the time, the emoticon's are used for very positive reasons. ~*
Back to the the Best reason 4 adding them, our beloved FlyOrDie needs more money. More Subscriber's.-This would be an excellent way of enticing them. Beside's, if, technically possible, it would be a load of fun for everyone ))))*-Regarding no emoticons at all and with deep respect and gratitude to anyone that has replied to this post, if no chat and/or emoticons works best for you, there are other game sites that don't have them.-"If it works don't fix it"...unless for the greater good. Wink.

Look forward to reading a Moderator's opinion whenever the busy super-duper volunteers get a chance to respond.
Yours in love and FlyOrDie service,

Lady-In-Red aka Contessa

Hiya dearest MOD'S,

Guess this is a non issue. I am certain whatever the reasons's are for not pursuing this they are good one's.

Just always on the look out to bring new bl00d here 4 more people to subscribe.

Thanks eternally, for what all you dearest Moderator's to here for fun, tough work and freely giving your time for us all.

Extra love and positive blessings to Goddess and Thor.

Yours in FlYOrDie love and service,

                                  Contessa aka Lady-In_Red
Thanks. Thank you for responding as well. ))*