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Backgammon World Tournament
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Backgammon World Tournament
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Backgammon World Tournament
Hi All , 

Everyone is welcome to participate in this New Tournament Category .

This is going to be Player Vs Player , and every round you win you will collect points till the final .

we have many categories of Tournaments : 250 - 500 - 1000 - 2000 points 

The winner will be the first in the Backgammon World Tour Ranking . 

Depending of the number of registered players the Tournament category change . 

Please set your nickname and country in a comment to participate . 


Herkes bu yeni Turnuvası Kategori katılmak için açığız.

Bu oyuncu Vs oyuncu olacak ve her size son kadar _ toplayacağız kazanmak yuvarlak.

Biz Turnuvalar birçok kategoriler var: 250-500-1000-2000 puan

Kazanan tavla World Tour Sıralaması ilk olacak.

Kayıtlı oyuncuların Turnuva kategori değişikliği sayısının bağlı.

Katılmak için bir yorum takma adınızı ve ülkenizi ayarlayın.

I won L O S T = 3   Aurøra = 2
Me toca con Aurora..hace días no lo veo..
Hi Moderator,

My oppenent doesnt play since 1 week i write him on the lobby.
hi moderator 

this is unfear turnament 

i search "Talebe-35" player to play with him 
& when i found him , i ask him to play with me (challenge him & he reject) 
today i saw the link of turnament result , then he won !!!!!!! how he won without play with me !!!!!!!! unfear unfear unfear 

i take screen shoot when he reject play with me 
 if you need it 
Számomra egy dolog van itt.A játékosokat fenyegetik és valótlanokat mondanak.Ennyi erővel mindenkinek aki a gyors játékot játszotta a versenyen kellene törölni.És  bizony elég sok lejátszott volt .Nem én hívtam ki Antidote. játékost hanem Ő.Nyertem 3 partiban 4-2 -re. Így ráadásképpen szorzót is a második partiban.Ezért lett  az eredmény 4-2 a vége.De 3 játék volt.Az hogy neki nem tetszik hogy kikapott erre nem tehetek.A verseny akkor is verseny.Nem akarok személyeskedni de nyilvánvalóan a kedves török nemzetiségű játékosnak nem tetszik.A szabályt nem én  találtam ki a szorzásokat a 2 és 3 bábu játékot ez alapból benne van. Így nem értem miért sír.Köszönöm.
kkingucika doesn't want play simple gammon, he forced his rivals to play hyper.

Még 1x leírom ha nem volt világos.Nem az egyedüli játékos vagyok aki ilyen formában játszott a versenyen. Rendje módja szerint tovább jutott .Így én is ellened  3-1,De itt megjegyzem szoroztál bár így is úgy is nekem kedvezett én nyertem.Ha fáj neked mert kikaptál.Akkor ezek szerint minden játékosnak törölni kellene a partijukat.Egyedül csak neked fáj.Mellesleg megkérlek szépen NE FENYEGETŐZZÉL a játék szobában.Szerintem nem  kellene .Érte ugye Antidote.
Dear Moderator

the player "kkingucika" doesnt want play the game simple Gammon.
since 2 days we wite to him but no answer 
My  kkingucika 
This tournament is for simple gammon (classic backgammon). 
NOT hypergammon
 . Please respect to rules :)
Thank you.
Dear kkingucika 

As our moderator said, the tournament as to be played by simple Gammon.
lets play again the right rules.
If you dont want play inform me and the moderator please.
Sokan így játsszák.Nem az egyedüli ember aki úgy játszotta a versenyt.Csak velem foglalkozol.Ezek szerint törölni kell az összes játékos partiját mert hyperbackgammont játszották a versenyen????.Egyedül te problémázol ezen .Egyszerű a válasz erre.Nyugodj meg és bele .Vesztettél rendesen 3-1  és ez a bajod.legyen szép napod
I played not only so.You lost, and therefore you cry Antidote.It's your problem. Even multiplied by it. how it is?
He Man doesnt play with me i think because of points.
This tournement is simple backgammon as Translator said so you have to play with Antika Serhan then if you win play with me again.

Because of your behaving you should be discalified from this tournement.

You are the only one who did this kind of story with hypergammon you create your own rules, you attitude is not acceptable.
Interesting! 60% a playert he is play here.
Nobody complained because I lost.So what is the problem?
2 Partido you multiplied more than you can not be a party but anyway I won 4-2.
I lost 3-1 but the player didnt want play backgammon he only want hypergammon 
why i had to accept his conditions.
I want to play backgammon

please do not accept this hypergammon and ask him to play Basic backgammon, this tournament is backgammon and not hypergammon.

Please take in concidaration my request.
"Nickteki İz 
Remember what your party it was then explain and talk nonsense 
.DEVELOPER's Phrases with hyperlinks that change the multiplications should always be smooth and backgammon.

my advice to you Persepolis

Deal with it against the rules to have more than one name FlyOrDie website.

They should rematch, because kkingucika set his options to HyperGammon and forced his rival to play with him. It's not fair. He published screenshot, it's clearly  that he set HyperGammon.  Also " คภtเкค รєгђคภ " deleted only because of he didn't want to play HyperGammon!
kkingucika    3    Antidote.  1   .I WIN
i win  
kkingucika 3
Antidote. 1
Hi Translator

We are facing a prob with my oppenent who wants to play Hypergammon for the tournament.
Why should i accept his condition?
My condition is basic backgammon.
As i understand this tournament is backgammon tounrmane tand not a hypergammon tournament.

Dear kkingucika 

I dont understand why you are in stress :)
we have time to play.
I am coming everyday and sometime i cant play because i come with my mobil.
Next time we see each other lets play our 3 game :)
Valahogy akkor is nincs igazad.Mert bejössz a nagyszobába  küldesz egy smile jelet(röhögés) és kilépsz.Hát erre azt mondom akkor is török vagy!.Mert sajnos nem tudtok tisztességesen játszani,tisztelet a kivételnek.És méghozzá ide írod majd délután vasárnap.2 napod volt...7x bejöttél max. 1 percre és kilépsz.Na ná hogy van másik neved és itt a gond.De nekem mindegy  ami már rád nem illett,mert akkor is nem fogok naphosszakat várni egy adót játékosra hogy lejátssza a versenyben kiírt partiját.Ráadásképpen bejössz egy percre írsz 2 mondatot kilépsz kísérettel egy röhögő képpel. Ugyan már mire véljem mond meg nekem????Ugyan már tanulj tiszteletet embertársaidtól meg a verseny szervezőjétől és nemútólsósorban ne mondj olyanokat hogy így meg úgy mert hazugság.
We spoke toghether and decide to play tomorrow Sunday afternoon.
I have to wait the right delay because now I have to play with THE GAMBLER
Tommorow the time will be good and he will be out of the tournament.
Dont cry Sadece Sen ,you was unfair,and when you come back after 2-0 you dont want play . I  have photo ,or moderator can see what you writing after. You said you do not care. 
Well, unfortunately, in my opinion, it is a pretty slow race ..Just looks around and many players who are competing .  honor to play the tournament.I'm waiting and and you'll quit.
Somehow it would have to figure out a simplified rule
You'll stop by automatically restart the game.and give a warning sound when the start of the party.

Antidote now.You do not want to play this annoying
my nick Sa∂єcє ѕєη and are you nick Isten ostora ☼ playing tournement..i playing one tornement and two tournement delected my not link end.not three playing tournement.i do play three tournement...
Dear moderator Translator
Unfortunately, a lot of players competing in this simply ignores the rules and play the game.
They do not really care about them and flouted, the real joy of the game.

the question because it would involve over 250 points as the winner?thank you very much
Sadece Sen refuse me .  Translator please come in game room 
Isten ostora ☼ vs Sadece Sen 2-0 

Sadece Sen emerged from the game
Bonjour Aladdin,

THE GAMBLER ne veut pas jouer sa partie avec moi pour le tournoi.

คภtเкค รєгђคภ  in no way wanted to keep for 2 days to play in the competition announced by the moderator velem.Még Translator also wrote the play player.

you should play simple games (backgammon) with out using double, until you get 3.
He estado esperando por david in off y no ha aparecido, que se supone que debo hacer ahora

L O S T 
คภtเкค รєгђคภ

Challengers and rejects the játékot.Igy How to play the tournament if you do not partner?
คภtเкค รєгђคภ no play to tournament
Kérdezném ! Persepolis játékosnak van egy másik neve es.6139.Miért,nem büntetik?
Isten ostora ☼ vs mahserin4atlısı 3-0
Hi Translator,

i am waiting since yesterday my oppenent for the tournement.
What will happen if i dont play him?
when we can play say a time im from german so we have the MESZ
L O S T : 3 
Sa∂єcє ѕєη : 2 
ışıL dont play with me . Yesterday i write for ışıL and he dont answer
DO NOT use double please , a simple match with simple frames till 3 games winning .

Thank you
Isten ostora ☼   vs    Sil baştan başla   3-2
Sorry,  translater vs GRAND PRIX was  4-1
GRAND PRIX 1  translater 4  
Backgammon World Tournament (resultado del partido)
Sha nagba imuru .. he push double me..and i won..so what happen..
 Isten ostora ☼ VS Sil baştan başla 3-2
NO   simple game,  Grand Prix vs translater 4-1  but from mistake Grand Prix push double(  he didnt know)  they will repeat the match?

El doblar está permitido?

estas el primero que gana a 3 o el ? 

porque el dice que gana primero a 3 
He intentado volver a jugar con mi oponente al cual le gané, pero de la confusión no se anima a volver a jugar, porque no sabemos quien clasificó a la siguiente ronda. :/
Hmmm..sorry es que acabo de ganar con una serie de +5.. 3-2 y 5-3..que debo hacer ahora?
Sha nagba 3 can1414 2,Sha nagba imuru won the game
david in off vs gabrielamihaela  3-1
¿Se aceptan dobles en el torneo o no?
Mi oponente...al parecer no ha aceptado mis invitaciones para jugar nuestra ronda..¿Qué hago entonces?
LOST , si tempo dura ,cuando encuentra su adversarvio ,puedes jugar . 

Gabriella , the game should be first to 3 . 

everyone post his result here 
same score 3-2 for me,   but i have a problem,  what mean 3 rounds?  1-0  1-1  2-1 ? or who is doing first 3  in scoring?
¿El torneo es en un solo día, o cuanto tiempo dura?
hmmm sorry i saw now Rules of Play  -The Rounds are going to be Race to 3 .
what format clasic?  setting  1. 5 . 10  or not? 
Translator help us plsss, dont understand who with who is playing
we will specify the room Later tonight , don't worry .

҉҉TacsızKraL҉҉  TURKEY
C turkey

Sil baştan başla