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Time Out Clock
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Time Out Clock
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Time Out Clock
I think yall should add a Time Out clock to the game where it would let you know how much time you got to know to shoot and how fast of a pace you need to shoot in...

post wot u think

later yall
austin aka soldier
i totally agree, i was thinkin bout that today too :)
ye nice idea  but it wont happen  like that  english version  of 8ball  they wont put that game on :<  but wat the  heck lol
No that really is a crap idea. I know some people who take 50 seconds per shot, deliberately, just to annoy the opposition. Many times, I've seen these players losing out though, by time out, as they have wait fractionally longer to take their shots. With a shot clock, they will know how long is left. 

Personally, I'm a fastish player, so I don't need for something to tell me that I've still got 55 seconds left. 

FlyOrDie, I'm wondering if you would considering change your rules slighlty so as to make the game more tactical and less attack, attack, attack! See, when you have one of your balls covering the pocket, if your opponent hits one of its own balls and pots your own, there's no foul given whereas it would be given as a foul in professional 8-ball pool. This is a major disadvantage as you could be left with no shot. Something to ponder on!

Greetz Tazz
tazz y r all off ur replys negative  
I ain't being negative, first of all I'm giving my opinion and quite clearly, no good can come out of it. You get 60 seconds, it doesn't take that long to take a shot, and why do you need to know how much longer of the minute you have left? TO ANNOY YOUR OPPONENT POSSIBLY!!
I think it is a good idea.
Now here is one more "IDEA"

Once i was at college playing with my friends and we were bored of playing the same game over and over so we came with this new idea. 
The game is suppose to be played with three players.
Player 1 gets balls 1-5 Player 2 gets balls 6-10 and Player 3 gets 11-15. 
Now player 1 has to pot balls 6-15 and protect his balls which are 1-5 and so must do the others. 
If balls 1-5 are all poted in player 1 loses and gets out of the game and the game continues with the other two players or viseverse. 
I know it is possible to make the games like this so you can have one more game and not only 8 - 9 and snooker. 
It would be more fun. 
If FOD has good programmers they should be able to do this. This would also bring new players to the site ;)

I hope you understood me :D

To me both ideas are good. Just to add to El.Mexicanos that would be named Cut throat As in real life i have played that game numerous time and find it alot more challenging then say 9 ball or 8 ball. He however forgot to add some thing in explaining the game which would include, If you happen to scratch when its ur shot each opponent gets to take out one of there balls and put them back on the table. Well thats all but. I say if flyordie could make this game possible some people wouldn't get as bored as fast. Yours Truly,
I didnt know the game already existed, but anyways that's something good to have one of your balls back on the table.

ya its a real life game called cut throat its really fun. Ive never seen it at any pool site though so maybe flyordie could be the first/???