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**** banking
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Dear Moderators
**** banking
Posted in 
Dear Moderators
**** banking
1. https:***
2. https:***
3. https:***
4. https:***

Note. Player **** was leting her win and setting up jumps as seen 

1. https:***
2. https:***
3. https:***
4. https:*** 

Thx you all for helping   Keep safe 
Edited by John Stewart
Hello SKY, we know why we are also on Twitter and we exchange opinions. We know who is bank and remind them regularly. Unfortunately, a moderator had the brilliant idea to ban my nick Denver to flooding .. amazing, right? Obviously this is not able to do the moderator. He banned me and allows players as **** of banking, and is not even banned permanently. Sandy allow play over 150 nicks and not **** banned permanently. Absurd, is not it? Days go by and none of these gentlemen moderators me an explanation. Perhaps one I found it;I am not a subscriber and I can not accuse a subscriber of banking. I created this nick still similar to the above and as I promised the moderators, if it is banned I will create 10 per nick banned. In this case I will be on a par with **** and many others.
Edited by John Stewart
Dear user , 

It would be very appreciated if you don't report any kind of "cheat" "insult" or "nick" abuse in this forum , you have different ways to do and our moderation team will check the situation .

use this forum to contact moderators about any other things you want "informations" "advices" etc ... 


Until now they still banking

and this picture 
Edited by John Stewart