Respectfully submitted:
A number of characteristics have changed, including the curl etc. While no one likes change, updates are necessary to keep up with changes in technology. Unfortunately new releases often come with bugs - it is nigh impossible to test every browser and OS out there so there are bound to be a few bedding down issues. It would probably be very helpful to FOD if issues were reported along with browser, browser release number (usually found in help.about or something like that), operating system and version and hardware. If they are able to recreate the problem it makes solving it far easier.
Also respectfully, although many of us have played a number of games and now need to adjust weight, etc., this is simply more realistic. Real curling demands that participants play on ice surfaces that vary depending on a number of factors, including climate and even the skill of the ice maker. They adjust with every game and sometimes the ice will even change over the course of a match. "Reading" the ice is part of the sport. I might suggest that using the same curl and weight 1000's of times results in not game play but merely being programmed by the game itself. Thus, high point levels become not the result of superior game play or strategy but rather the result of doing the same thing over and over. While I doubt the idea would garner much support here, ice that varied slightly every match would add a realistic component - better players would be able to read and adjust quicker.