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game has many glitches now..Why?
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game has many glitches now..Why?
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game has many glitches now..Why?
Since the format of the game changed a short while back I find I am having problems playing. The delivery is not smooth and the stones do not run smooth. Sometimes the machine throws much harder than it should. Sometimes the stones disappear partially or I see two brooms. Sometimes my broom won't sweep. Is this happening to other people ?It really makes it hard to enjoy playing.  
Try switching back to JAVA if you are not currently using it.

The old "java" version can be accessed as described here:
http://www.playcurl ing.com/faq.html?topic=javaswitch
Please first try to update your graphics card driver, as described here:
My computer is running windows XP  . It seems your game does not play well for XP anymore but these links gave no help. I would have to change the operating system.