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Whos still plays?
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Whos still plays?
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Whos still plays?
Havent been about since 2011.. who still plays and what has happened to Flyordie..... 
I've been off for ages, but have just "come back" with a 1 month sub to give FOD another try and see if it is still as fun as it used to be.

Some of you may remember me as "MattB" or "WeAreTheProdigY", sure I had another one as well but can't remember what it was!

If anyone is still on here who remembers me give me a shout :)

I'll come on here and play for a day or two about once every 6 months or so.  I used to love playing on here when I was a kid; especially in leagues.   
I started playing in 2006 but I have been away from FOD for probably 8 years now.

Whoa...this year is my 10 year anniversary of joining. Cool. I just came back today to re-discover the game and see if I remember how to play. 

I guess I am back for now...

ive been here off an on since 1999, rememmber when there was 1000s of people head would spin and the program you could download great clarity music ,screen looked like you were in the cockpit of a 747 lol,was  fun back then but i guess time's do change but it's still good  fun game to me.
Is the player here really very few? :| I don't think so
im here too.

Starting a new league to remember old times :)


I play here on and off a bit, i used to play all the time for 6 or 7 years and have owned leagues and just about everything on here... miss some old friends on here...
ok ive joined up, what room and when do you play ? im in New Zealand.... churr
You still alive.....thought the substance abuse would have finished you off by now
It is feeling like you are a class teacher at school and asked,'Tell me if you are absent.'
Back after 3years stop 
I training long time for my comeback :) 

LMAO Enigma, no drug can do me mate you shud know that :p we should catch up bud.
Amazing how people quite often find their way back to this site!
Heyy It's Ashley! I'm not sure who all knows/remembers me, I used to play on here 2004-2010. 

its been 8 years since I've played and I returned last month! 

Hello everyone :)  
Heyy It's Ashley! I'm not sure who all knows/remembers me, I used to play on here 2004-2010. 

its been 8 years since I've played and I returned last month! 

Hello everyone :)  
I still play, every chance i get..... sure do miss them tournaments in leagues.... and friends...lol
evening friends . i`m here since 2006 , after a break i`m back . to all who know me as randy341 or max mustermann .....you`re welcome . special hello to mr vanian and enigma .
I have been playing since 2009 snd i have seen u on alot kickdown but i hardly play niw cos everyone left and its boring
I remember you Prodigy. Played a lot through wdw league. I too took a long hiatus.
PINKIE i remember playing leagues in 8ball with you back in like 04-07. i miss you and all the others. some of my favorite times. i hope youll see this and youre doing well. everyone have fun and take care
I came back a few months back and what happen to it is a lot or either people just grew up and noticed whats really going on. I honestly don't know i wish this game in the billiards would make the game play Uniformly ALWAYS for everyone at all times and that might make many more players come back and want to play.
I've been here on and off since 2009.

Intention is to be more on in future, really like the game just get distracted by other stuff.