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repeat offenders
repeat offenders
repeat offenders
I left for part of a year. Interesting that when I came back, two notorious players were still pulling the same stunts as when I left (pilou60 and Stone of Scone). They were penalized by the moderators in the past and yet they are back doing the same stuff.
I don't care about their stupid point totals. It just bothers me that they pick on beginners. It doesn't set a very good example. I know when I am challenged by a beginner and play, I try and give them some pointers on strategy or where to set the broom. Something to help them.
Why are these two allowed to continue to ruin the game?

The lack of fair play is often profit ... For some, everything 's good for points and i assure u, there 's not only two.
To everyone know to play with, and it's falling, and it's falling, that one learns to walk

More efficient to do "report abuse" and let the appreciation for moderation if application of Article 5.4 or not.

When your request, do not expect a response, moderation does have to justify anything.

I agree, these players should be banned!!! Moderators should take action against these type of players. You can add geramendufric to that list as well.
what a shame  all life playing --- players.
Shield if you are a Mod I thought they had to have a basic grasp of English, your replies barely make sense. As for Mods don't need to justify, they never do, thats what causes half the problems here.
Funny how this post is brought up right when I just had some fun with Stone of Scone the other day.  You're wondering how'd he accept my challenge, eh?  I made duck soup with a new nick and took five in the first end.  Lesson learned ya goop.

See u moderator status attached to my nickname when i come indoors ?

Where ve you seen that a visual Moderation must justify its decisions ?

Do u think, because you do not see the moderation in rooms, that it isn't there ? If you don't see it, it see.

Instead of spreading pseudonyms on the forum, more functional to do "report abuse" if facts acts' re contrary to the rules.

Better to take 2 minutes to read articles 3-1 and 5-3 of rules.


Jock Kuta has kindly agreed to translate what you say for me. I think I understand what you mean now. Thanks Jock.

I answers never in thé provocation so subject closed for me.

Shield I am not trying to provoke you honestly, nor am I being cheeky. Just pointing out to you that your posts are hard to understand. No offence meant but just an honest observation. Regards Wullie
I am still confused by the ramblings on here. Do the mods do anything about these players or not?
Please use the correct form of " report abuse " to be considered by the moderators .

Thank you

OK, I found the form and have formally complained.
Wullie!!! I have tried to the best of my immense abilities and still cannot make sense of shieds rambles.
Who have you reported for rambling Panther?  Me?  People need to realise & appreciate tongue in cheek posts, sarcasm at its best. Only Jock Kuta gets me which hurts me as my humour is obviously wasted on you's.  Jock Shield seems to think that I'm picking on him but I'm honestly not, just can't understand half of what he says & with your unique & extensive vocabulary then I was hoping that a good man like yourself could help me. Thanks anyway mate.
Wullie!!! Despite my extensive and unique vocabulary even I cannot make sense of waffle.
Wullie where did you get any notion that I was reporting on you? Maybe you also have a problem with the English language. I never mentioned you in any post, never mentioned anything about what you are talking about.
No no my English is fine, I know that you never mentioned me but you never mentioned anyone so I thought i'd ask you.
Would it solve the problem if there was no points given for defeating a --- player or a - player. Perhaps only another --- or- player could get points.Wonder how many new players are lost bacause someone live percyvmil whips them bad their first ever game.