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I'd like to start a petition to have TI-KASS (the most annoying player on FoD) banned from this game!!!
Anyone else fed up with his constant badgering and unwanted comments, sign below:
I keep a list of those who are "unsportsman like" and he/she is top of my list. I always mute if I see him.
ti-kass will never bee banned sorry he talk to much serious 
so if you don't like someone, you want them banned , ok np big brain thinking there (thumb up in sarcasm)
Newfoundland: ask moderators. They lifetime ban erto (heavy water) just a funny guy, and let TI-KASS go.. Idon't understand it. I never see any mods in curling room. Shame.
why they have to ban ti-kass,if you have problem just you mute him and nomore problem!!...I would say also that to mute Erto for so long time isn't reasonable,lifetime penalty isn't human.
FlyOrDie will not ban someone based on the results from a petition.  Good luck anyways.
No reason to harass other players in the Forum. If you don't like someone's behavior, just ignore or mute the player. The way forward is to be kind and polite, and hopefully other players will eventually learn from that.
Have fun, and don't waste energy on anything else :)

>No reason to harass other players in the Forum. If you don't like someone's behavior, just ignore or mute the player. The way forward is to be kind and polite, and hopefully other players will eventually learn from that.  Have fun, and don't waste energy on anything else 

Well said.
TI-KASS is as annoying as they come, but also very amusing. We need some troublemakers in everyday life. Otherwise it would be very boring. vanhassan and erto are others, and also decent players.. At least Altintac is :p
Precisly, cahprovider! "We need some troublemakers in everyday life. Otherwise it would be very boring." F.ex. Erto make only fun about the game, otherwise, like in everyday life, some people cant tolerate fun :D