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Stop The Blatent Cheating
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Stop The Blatent Cheating
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Stop The Blatent Cheating
All too often you get a player doubling on the first throw and then if the game starts to go against them they quit the game to avoid a gammon or backgammon.

Why not have the rule that if a player quits the game the points are awarded as the game stands - even if this is a backgammon.

Server disconnects do not happen anything like as often as deliberate quitting of games so the odd disconnect would just be unlucky.

Alternatively - stop doubling unless it is a multi-point game - that will stop most of the cheats anyway.

> All too often you get a player doubling on the first
> throw and then if the game starts to go against them
> they quit the game to avoid a gammon or backgammon.
> Why not have the rule that if a player quits the game
> the points are awarded as the game stands - even if
> this is a backgammon.
> Server disconnects do not happen anything like as
> often as deliberate quitting of games so the odd
> disconnect would just be unlucky.
> Alternatively - stop doubling unless it is a
> multi-point game - that will stop most of the cheats
> anyway.
Often wonder why a resining player seems to aviod a gamoon , thats not reflection on the player, we went on and had severel more pleasent games. The player was definetly not cheating.
I do not understand why this problem persists and why the site operator never answers anything that justifies the use of cheat to avoid defeat by backgammon, if the objective of the game is to win, "by backgammon".
Allow a player give up the game before removing qualquier piece from the board without a single defeat is as the same as "turn the tables" of the game, in the middle of the match, saying "let's play again."
The site is aware that there is this kind of cheating, so that the time decreased in which the player can "give up", with a simple defeat.
However, the problem persists because the trickster takes very risky strategy early in the game and, if it works, wins by backgamon, if it goes wrong, it just gives up with simple defeat.
This problem causes conflict between the players and everyone here great game for fun and not to fight.
I have released this problem many times in this forum, but never got any website operator response.
Will this time it will serve us at least answer because the rule persists as it is?
Can anything be done to identify players cheating. I am aware that some players have been identified as cheaters who may use PROGRAMS, however this is only a small percentage of players cheating. Since I started playing this game I have come to the conclusion that more than 50% of the players are utilizing some type of program that gives them a huge advantage in the game.  Is it possible that the Moderator do a more thorough screening of these players that utilize cheat programs and denote with a red mark identifying these players. This will alert the other players whether or not to play.  
Just joined this site and think this resign option is a crazy feature.  Was just destroying a player who doubled and he was no where near counting off with 3 counters left on by me.  He resigned to stop losing even more pts.  What is the point of playing with a double dice if you cannot double up pts at the end when you gammon someone???
This is called dropping. I have encountered many "droppers" and I agree, something should be done. 
Award the points as it stands for sure. Also, some sites keep track of each player's dropped games. Too many drops and they are excluded from play. It also allows players to choose whom they will play. If a player has a lot of drops we can choose not to play them. C'mon Flyordie - fix this!
I agree complety. A solution should be applied
The most blatent cheat is the "Disconnection Cheat" where a opposing player will deliberately disconnect or do a micro disconnection (this is the new thing to do) so that it bluffs the server into (most of the time) giving the player a double or the correct score to get you or come down onto the board.

This is what is called blatent cheating and alot of players are exploiting it.
What happens when an opponent "leaves the game" seems to be inconsistent.  Sometimes, when I have borne off checkers and the opponent hasn't, I get credit for a gammon.  Other times, I don't.  Someone mentioned a "micro disconnect"  What the heck is that, and does that explain the difference?   Is there a difference between "resigning" and disconnecting from the server?  Or just letting the clock run out?

I would REALLY like to see this issue addressed in the FAQs because it is a long-standing source of frustration to many players, including me.  
Another way of cheating exists , that after winning against your opponent , you get out of the game set and you are surprised to see that neither you got your ( 16 points for a doubling game won ! Neither your looser got those points taken off from his grade points diminished by 16 points ; This has happened to me at least more than five times in last year !!!  5 X 16 =  80 points or more  lost for unknown reason !!!  Today it happened some 6 min. ago in Salle N° 3 or 4  !!! 22: 30 GMT Paris Time !
I think I just found out what micro disconnect is....

I had bella (something last name) set up for the kill on bearing off my blots, when program goes to disconnect mode (game only)...This really sucks.

Blatant cheating...I don't know how they did it...Never disconnected before.
Saw micro disconnect at work again today...

A highly rated player was about to backgammon another highly rated player, when he was suddenly disconnected, and could not get reconnected...lost game with 4 pieces and other guy was no where near getting any men off....
Blatant cheating....
This game is so unfair , the dice aren't random. How can it be that I have to wait 16 turns before the I finally get a 1  on one of my dices ?! I tried this same game setting at home to see How long it would take me to roll a dice with 1 ... it took me 3 turns !  Really unfair the way this game is created ! 
Can't take this game serious...If it's your turn to win, you can't lose, if it isn't your turn, forget about it.
Once again micro disconnect when the other player was about to lose.....Some of these people have it down to a science.
Reason why i stopped playing online 20 yrs ago, until today, i prefer to play people i know, and if i play online its just against computer, when haven't a friend around, but it is nice to see that it irks a lot of people showing there are honourable people around, and yes the rules should be changed online to allow the win to someone in winning position, if opponent leaves table
Agree with A NEW RULE that points will be awarded to the current leader whenever his opponent quits.  All to often players will double immediately and quit the game if the game goes against them.  This permits the silly quick doubler to avoid the penalty of the early double, doesn't it??
I’ve posted my idea for making this game fairer.
See if the moderator will respond to this at all…
Separate server for rolls from the playing board and let the players control the activation of rolls, I know it’s a high bar to overcome technically but this will make the game much fairer.
I think too it is annoying with an opponent who doubles before or just aften the først dice throw. What do I do? I let time run out and resign with 5 seconds on the clock. Let them waste their time!
My rating? Rating is a number in a computer - nothing else. 
Flyordie will not stop it.
Unreel games is their goal!
If you complain its going bad for you the next games.
Too much dices at all and abonnents (they pay for that)
win. So dont waste time here play with reel players on the street. Thats fair and onest this site is unfixed and not worth to consider.
i wonder why nobody is interesting in make more pressure on this site to stop this unreel too much dices server  lottery!
It is not normal to have 4-5 66 in one game and also its not reel that in one game you can have 10 dices as normal! The abonnents are in advantage so dont play against and the turkeys player know to manipulate the server. But ok i resign im not important for flyordie so my opinion is for vain.
Thx for nothing (waisting time)
I will playing reel games with other players on the street thats reel not here.