I believe congratulations are in order to CurlManitoba for obtaining the crown and joining the likes of Trout and Lionking as one of the games all time greats!! CurlMB has contributed so much to the fly or die community, with his countless hours organizing our spring, summer, fall, and winter bonspiels respectively. CurlMB is also a true sportsmen and personifies everything the playcurling.com and the flyordie community stand for. It has been an honor getting to play so many matches against CurlManitoba over the years and I must say there is not a more deserving person to obtain the crown then he is. Well done CurlManitoba on becoming the best player in the world and obtaining the crown!!!!!!!! Lets remember that cream always rises! Cheers!, aggrind -I will see you all at the annual Spring bonspiel! Please sign up by messaging the crown CurlManitoba fast as the entries are limited.