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Problems with the shots 
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Problems with the shots 
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Problems with the shots 
After the changes made to the site, I can not give a strong shot at all, and the problem is not with the mouse. The shots are always very weak. I already changed my mouse and nothing has changed. In other games, the mouse always works flawlessly. I no longer know what to do to resolve this problem, and I believe that is a defect of the site. Could you please tell me how to eliminate the problem? I've been a FoD customer for many years and I've never had this problem. I'm Brazilian, I live in Brazil. Help me, please. Thank you.
And I have same BIG PROBLEM!!!!!!
Still the same but i can play on my iPad now. 
My shots are very jerky

My problem too . Help me please :(
Exactly the same experience which virtually finishes me off after a decade or more (18-19 years?) playing these ball games. Safari, Firefox, Chrome +47, no power in the shot. On Chrome, when I can get it to work, I have a brown table with all the balls half submerged. Crazy!

I guess you've killed it Flyordie.
Have you tried updating your graphics card driver and your browser?
I have latest version on chrome and it just doesn't work. Same with graphic card.
The graphics card update question was supposed to directed to the one who was having some weird graphics issue, not just problems with shot power.

Would you please comment on the other question posted at

Thank you.

My NAVIDIA driver is up to date as of 16/12/2016 and I am playing Snooker on the latest version of Chrome for the first time ever on the HTML5 system. With a new mouse.

Still I have no power in the shots.

It's as simple or not simple as that. One day the game is ok and the same day the game is unplayable and remains unplayable.

Some players 'appear' to be able to handle it, their rating remains high. I am on zero and will probably stay on zero, and give up eventually.

If I revert back to JAVA, and play on Firefox I still have no shot power.

If anyone knows the answer to this problem please share it.
So the balls are no longer  "half submerged" ?
No longer submerged in what looked like brown soup. Everything is good other than NO POWER in the shot.
same problems.. have you solve it..!!??
i reverted back to java too,pointless.