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Congratulations to the 2016 Grand Prix winners and participants
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Congratulations to the 2016 Grand Prix winners and participants
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Congratulations to the 2016 Grand Prix winners and participants
Congratulation to ATP for winning 2016 Grand Prix and also congratulations to top 3 players.

Final results:

1. ATP
2. La Equidad FC
3. giest

Please submit your shipping details (name, country, state, city, street address, zip code) at 
 to get the prizes)

Thanks everybody for participating, good luck for 2017!
:O Many thanks Flyordie :)
I am Juan Andres, I have to send all my data again ?. Or there are possibilities that send the prize to the same address as the 2015. 


Congrats to these deserving players..
hi We are in 2018 and I'm still waiting for my prize

What's up ? Where should I send my personal information?
What's up ? Where should I send my personal information?
La Equidad FC, todabia no te dan el premio del 2016?
No nada todavia, pense que me lo darian en diciembre pero no
Hi, I'm ATP, but my nickname has been banned. What happened with this I've been waiting a long time for more than a year and nothing, I just sent my data, tell me what's wrong? 
Por que nadie responde nada ?
ninguna informacion sobre esto ?
cuanto mas toca esperar ?
Hi, I'm ATP and I've been waiting for a year and a half and they do not give any information about my prize.

Are they going to give a prize?

please someone to give me information about this. you forgot it ???