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FlyOrDie Legends 
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FlyOrDie Legends 
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FlyOrDie Legends 
Dear All,

I would like to know if there still between you some of old players, legend players.

I'm trying to make a new challenge system between you legends with a different ranking system.

If i see engagement to this post i will be talking more about details.

Players concerned are who have 8 Dots in the dice or more.
Players who have more than 6 Dots can also comment and ask to join if the number of 8 Dots players is not high.

Thank you

I have max dots, been here ages, really old and still not very good.

Quand là modération arrêtera d'être sur ledos des memes on pourra avoir 6 dots
A bon entendeur bien sûr aladin 
How to get the dots? Teach me!
me too played almost 10,000 games :D
10000... I have just played 202 games!!!
Just came back to see if this game was alive still. I definitely meet the specs.
oh, respect, nice to see you alive
Dear All,

This is the rules of this legends Challenge.

Players who have 8 Dots or more and players who are actually 6OO points or more in 8ball + 6 Dots can play challenges between each other.

Both players have to arrange to play a challenge game and claim it here in the forum.

The game has to be Race to 7

The winner gets 3 points and loser 0 point , in case of 6-6 the game has to be considered as draw.

I will be displaying a ranking table with this informations : 

Player's name, country, number of Dots, game played, Won, lost, draw , and points .

I will be posting the results just after the end of matchs and at anytime you can claim a challenge result here in this forum topic.

A web page will be made for this purpose to make you up to date with the results.

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask

Thank you
Dear All,

Actually we have decided to make this Legends challenge as following:

Players who are illigible are those who have 600 points and more.
They can ask each other a challenge in rated room to play this challenge.
The game has to be RT7, if 6-6 draw.
Announce the result in the forum or directly to me to set it in a ranking table after checking the game played.

Thank you
should be for snooker too when minimum rating 400+
my recent results:
6-6 with Blacksabath
7-5 with outraged - I win

Can you put the board results acessible?ty