Dear All,
This is the rules of this legends Challenge.
Players who have 8 Dots or more and players who are actually 6OO points or more in 8ball + 6 Dots can play challenges between each other.
Both players have to arrange to play a challenge game and claim it here in the forum.
The game has to be Race to 7
The winner gets 3 points and loser 0 point , in case of 6-6 the game has to be considered as draw.
I will be displaying a ranking table with this informations :
Player's name, country, number of Dots, game played, Won, lost, draw , and points .
I will be posting the results just after the end of matchs and at anytime you can claim a challenge result here in this forum topic.
A web page will be made for this purpose to make you up to date with the results.
If you have any other questions, feel free to ask
Thank you