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It  is SAD THE WAY  BULLIES ARE TREATING people in the reversi game  It has been going on way to long, now something  needs to be done  with them...especially  one guy,   there are more  but..he is the worst one with his vulgar mouth toward the females. He needs to be stopped.  hoping  these topics will get some action against  all the bullies
Shlomo, unfortunately there are no safe places on this site and it is next to impossible to stop these people, especially the one to whom kygirl is referring. 
"Let him who is without sin cast the first stone." Jesus Christ.

Only those who are faultless have the right to pass judgment upon others (implying that no one is faultless and that, therefore, no one has such a right to pass judgment). 
It's quite sad that you did not post my last two messages, I guess Judy gets the last word even though her friend still harasses kygirl and myself every day for the past 7 months. I guess there really is no point trying to make this a better, safer place for all. So unfair of you
>Gee HML , seems as though you’ve had the latest last word. What any of my friends do with others ain’t my business. I can only keep my side of the Othello Street clean. Truth be told, this man has not bothered you and/or ky everyday. That’s simply absurd. I’ve done my bit to discuss this stuff with him. You know that! Just as you did before, Mr. HML, you have brought me into this discussion as well as character assassinate me good name and reputation once again as you did in Passion’s original Blog. “ Destroy or damage seriously, as of someone's reputation.”  Do not try to defame my good name again, if, you can stop yourself! YOU have also disrespected me by using my real name here!  It was just 3 weeks back, I went to the trouble of going to yours and her table. We had what I thought was a good conversation, and buried any old Bull-bully hatchet! I now see that that was a waste of my time! Just 12 days ago, you apologized profusely to me in Private Messages, apologizing for blaming me of still being friends with this guy you hate. I have the screen shots!!!! Then, suddenly, you and ky were not talking to me, cordially as an acquaintance, which is all you’ve ever really have been to me. When kygirl got here, I was super nice to her. Even made her nick name cute for her, ie. “ky(X) as well as giving her a months subscription here to make her feel more at home.  I also take issue with you and kygirl  implicating me, and others, in a sneaky way. Saying As if, it’s all about you and them, whomever they/them are. So, you both blow hot and cold sad to say. HML, I’m letting my hair down that the truth be known, hoping this will end the so-called BULLY War between me and my friends! One definition of “Bullies is, “An uncultured, aggressive, rude, noisy troublemaker. Another is,” A person who deliberately intimidates or is cruel to weaker people.” HML you need to remember I have known you as a friend I use to play reverse with, before you began dating ky. I remember your angry outbursts. your obsession with your private parts, the email you asked me if I wanted to see your picture <Deleted> by me. ”I am not the only women you have wanted to show ur manhood too. This is bullying to me. harassment, abuse, and bullying for dang sure!  I know at least one lady that was appalled by it! I’ve always wanted you or me to tell ky about it, to keep things above board. I remember your anger, your fury. I was there when you showed your real nasty self in the Lobby as a way to keep your girlfriend. You admitted and displayed many ways you, yourself are…was a bully to the weaker people. I understood it at the time. Even rooted for you two. I vividly remember one thing you typed, probably because I have said it many times too. It was, “Let’s play strip Othello…” I for one am sick and tired of your complaints, especially about me. Directly or indirectly! This behavior is Bullying and Bull dung!
I will add that I have seen the screenshots this man, your enemy took not long ago. In private messages you typed over & over again and to paraphrase, You like big black kuk! And, you came to our table and was extremely rude! It is my belief that it is you who is fueling the fire of this mess. I would not be surprised if you made yourself a number of Guests nicks and went to your table, probably, without girl knowing it! your games with ky, then, blaming that man of doing it. Until a month ago, I didn’t even know one could make as many Guests as you wanted too. YOU told me that!!  Lastly, as much as I hate being a guest that spies on people, I have been when you and ky were collecting people to be on your side against me, him, me and another dear lady friend that I love!! I only can guess you need help. I’ve given all I can, including forgiveness, in the name of peace and for our Othello Family! All I have asked all this time, s for you two to be civil, gracious, respectful, and fair to me and others, even if you dislike them. It is at least what I do with peoples behavior I dislike. One day you both respond to my hiya’s, next day you ignore me. Fine, not classy but I can easily live with that. Other than your idea of calling the internet police, which I told you can’t because it would expose kygirl’s identity. Drag FlyOrDie into a potential mess as well! Enough of you two airing your dirty laundry. The FlyOrDie Team of Moderators, have done all they can I suspect. The rest is up to us!!!~* Sorry HML, enough IS enough! You were able to control your anger to keep your girlfriend, I am sure you can find it in yourself to curb it for the rest of us. One last thought, “Just be kind.” If I can do it, anyone can! )* Be well! Regards Contessa aka Judy.
PS. It seemed to me albeit true, the ; the last post was not what I like, or who I am. So, as in my Profile, I hope and pray I live, we all live this way...If— 
(‘Brother Square-Toes’—Rewards and Fairies)

If you can keep your head when all about you   
    Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,   
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
    But make allowance for their doubting too;   
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
    Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
    And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;   
    If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;   
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
    And treat those two impostors just the same;   
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
    Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
    And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
    And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
    And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
    To serve your turn long after they are gone,   
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
    Except for the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,   
    Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
    If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
    With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,   
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,   
    And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!
 God bless us all. Let's go back to being one happy family! I have faith in us )))))*
Well Judy, you just proved who you really are with that kind of a letter. I have never tried to defame you in any way nor would I mention things you have said to me and in the lobby. That's quite low actually
And you bet I said that to him, just giving him the exact thing back that he said to kygirl only he went way further than that
>Well Judy, you just proved who you really are with that kind of a letter. 

>> No, I have just proved I have brass Breasts that are brave enough to defend myself as a strong Women!!!

It was sad to read this, but, I understand your feelings. Actually, had planned to soften the thread I’ve been writing. Yet, found this before I could, HML. 

Number 1) I don’t drop my real Friends cos you and/or your nice kygirl tell me too or, think I should…Chris, We 3 do not play together, visit each other's tables. Nothing! Since u began dating Kelly, I got it…it wasn’t a good idea for you and me to play. Even though you seem to be allowed to play other women besides ky . So, the times we all got close , was after my own and last ANGER TRIP which began good intentions. And, I’m not sure that h3ll is paved with them, as They say.  with as a way to protect my long time. Since 2008 FlyOrDie Othello Family members. So, I got way carried away with the *catfish* thing. Didn’t even know what an online catfish was. I guess the most striking difference between us is respect, admission of guilt, and amends made where due. 

>Wrong Chris!  Everyone has their breaking point,  including me. It wasn’t fitting anymore to sugar coat the truth. The truth as HML see’s it! Nuh-uh. This is not our first rodeo! ! Simply put, I will no longer tolerate your slandering me, lying to me, accusing me. .”Bearing false witness against me. .” Bible!* 
I have gone round an round with both of you. Too many times, too many hours of giving you both my best. As aforementioned, those Private Messages to me…where you apologized over and over for dissing me, harassing me, simply for loving my long time, tried and true Buddy as he was in horrid hell with his own anger issues, and such. Perhaps it made sense to you to tell me not to be his friend anymore because he did such horrible things to Kelly and you! What would have been better and might have saved all of us time, would have been a public apology in The Lobby! You owed me that at the very least!

#2) I allowed myself this time after being Accused by you in all the other October 2017 posts that you reacted so meanly to my posted opinion’s that came from my heart !, Not gonna’  to stand for this abuse, your bullying of me. You are a smart man. You knew what you were doing. Even trying to manipulate me and my reactions, here there and everywhere! “My Momma’ didn’t raise no fool.” You lied to me, you hurt me each and every time. Very deeply with your posts here at The Forum! Chris, Chris, when I have made a friend. As I once did with you, and even her, I give them 1,000 feet of rope to hang themselves with. This I did with you two.  You know. The War between you and this man IS NONE Of MY Business. I refuse to be hurt by you anymore. I too have a heart I must protect. And, a reputation to keep intact that I’ve worked hard in the Othello World since 1999 at VOG, Vinco Online Game site. So, yep! This time I knew it was necessary to expose the truth for me, and all other Othello Family Members! To nip it in the bud fast this time. To let you know you and everyone who even cares, know that 3 Times you’re out with me! Who the fruck has the time for this and, yet again?  Not me. Not anymore. I do feel bad that I had to write such a “scathing,” post. Yet, baby!...Kido…It was for self-defense. This is not my war. I wish and ask you to keep me out of your ongoing War with this guy!!! As well, as all the battles. Please make note of this! Be man enough to apologize here. Or, just stay away from me. I will of cos still feel free at my vacation FOD-Othello Home to chat in The Lobby, no matter who is talking.  It hurts me to have to pull away from you both so many times since ky has been here. U cannot Blow Hot the Cold at me from day-2-day! NO WAY!
>> I have never tried to defame you in any way nor would I mention things you have said to me and in the lobby. That's quite low actually.

> Well Chris, even Michelle Obama is human and, I suspect that she too, cannot daily live up to her, “When they go low, We go high.” 
YES! Yes, you have, HML. You argued with me a number of times since you got here! Fine! Such is life.
Worst, You did divulge a secret nickname I need to use to play serious games to someone. I am sure that they would back me up in this. Because you did not make IT Right someone else know. I trusted you! You blew it. You hurt me. I have the HUMAN CONDITION too imperfect, wrong about people, places, and things. Angry, fearful, all when I am in “EGO,” not with God!

I am praying and meditating on all of this. Let me politely suggest that if you two believe in a God and\or a Higher Power you do the same,  
Too bad you two do not remember or give me credit where credit is Due for the countless hours I’ve counseled you both, tried to help maintain peace In out Lobby with this Cyberbully War. So on and so forth. So, as my long-term Swedish man Friend had on his profile and loved to say in person when he visited me for a Christmas Week…”If you don’t want the horns don’t mess with the bull!!!! 
Hey, I know the insane bitter Controlling anger Trip has a devilish and seductive Power.  Thank my lucky stars, that doing a FlyOrDie Othello- Judy Inventory of myself I see how 2 times in the last 3 years, I have succumbed to its power. I went too far, it is an addictive, soul-killing Poison!  Been grateful it happened, for I re-found The God Of My Own Understanding once again! Amen.
My prayer is for God to soften my heart. A mantra for dealing with resentments is, “Bless them. Change me! 

The other thing I’ve been forced to learn is Mercy and Forgiveness. It has taken me over a fourth of a lifetime.

We may or may not ever be talking in at a table or in The Lobby again. Please use the MUTE Option, if you must. If we 3 do talk again, it must be with mutual respect. Personally, we will never be so-called friends again. Friends don’t do these things to friends. I no longer trust you two, and, I swear to God, typing this makes me cry inside. BUT, who knows?! Life and my God are often a big surprise. Hm, perhaps in heaven, if there is one, the three of us can take turns playing Othello.
All I insist on is Respect. 
Now once and for all, enough with these endless Posts and complaints…we all have tired and done our best! Especially, the MOD TEAM, I feel safe in saying!

Let we of FOD-Othello begin Making Positive, Useful, loving and kind Blogs Henceforth. Of this, I ask of thee.
Lastly, I remain open-minded and hopeful we all "beating a dead horse!” Lol, I love horses too much ))))*. God bless you, God bless me, God bless us all!!~*

Regards, Judy

Uhm, what can I say?, something trite like,"Two wrongs don't make a right." A person has got to do what they got to do. Had it been me in your shoes, Lol, may have hired a hitman!! lol...just kidding.  
Well then Judy, you can have the last word and I'm finished. Please ask your friend to stay away from us and you and I will do likewise. 
Oh sorry, one last thing. I never once apologized for anything but saying you aren't to blame for what he did and that you can't control him. As for whether you chose to still be his friend, I would say, is there nowhere on this site where women show allegiance to each other? When one woman is terrorized for absolutely no reason, shouldn't other women stand up and say no way. He knows nothing at all about Kelly yet he tried to chase her off this site. Luckily she is too strong and wouldn't be bullied. This was never about you, it's about him and you are making it personal between you and I and you forgot all about who was completely innocent yet subjected to stalking and terrorization plus character assassination. Now I'm done and the floor is yours

Oh Lord! Not again. "The last word,: is your thing, not mine.
Oh sorry, one last thing. I never once apologized for anything but saying you aren't to blame for what he did and that you can't control him. As for whether you chose to still be his friend, I would say, is there nowhere on this site where women show allegiance to each other? When one woman is terrorized for absolutely no reason, shouldn't other women stand up and say no way. He knows nothing at all about Kelly yet he tried to chase her off this site. Luckily she is too strong and wouldn't be bullied. This was never about you, it's about him and you are making it personal between you and I and you forgot all about who was completely innocent yet subjected to stalking and terrorization plus character assassination. Now I'm done and the floor is yours
>> I am on the floor. Floored by ur blindness. You hassled me in every post I made from the time Passion began this Blog. Always attacking me, after I posted my views on this mess. Now war it seems! 
You are more intelligent than this!And, used to be nicer as well. We got it! I got it! My thoughts remain here thanks to FOD!
Get off the WOMEN BANDWAGON! It is more drama. More attention to you. Just as you draw your Lady all the time into a conversation in The Lobby. Saying the same things, basically. Please, it used to be cute. Do not bring Womanhood into this!! Yesterday I sent an email to myself of what to post to Kelly at your table for the next time I saw her!! I really like Kelly. Frankly, I like her a lot more now, and you a whole lot less. It's cool. So, kygirl when you read this, know that just like my beloved friend said to you today...I wish you nothing but the best. Hope you stay with Chris, if, you wish. Told ya' Kelly, I'd throw a 1-year Anniversary Party In The LObby as I do for peoples Birthdays with silvergold.  That stuff gladdens my heart with joy. It would be so sweet if one fine day, you and I could play games alone together again. I think due to this Mess, it will e unlikely, and, rightfully so, perhaps for us both. I was not *telling* on Chris and him sending kuks to ppl. e all knew that months ago. That wasn't my intended point to blow a whistle! I shall keep the good times in my heart that we had when you first arrived here. When I saw something special in you. Your a wonderful conversationalist, funny, kind, considerate, nice, have a good mind, and a lovely sense of humor! Just so you remember that. That was why I made a big deal about you nickname made it ky with the girl emoji.  Chris, you've done it again. I feel sad for you. Just mind your own business, re-find kindness in your heart. It might be a good idea to get a counselor to deal with this horse poop. I say that with love. It is one of the many things I needed to do to stay emotionally healthy." At times as needed I still use that tool. Whatever will be, will be. Just.keep me and my dear Friend you hate out of your inner war. "Man-up," please. I have women-up. Peace!~~~~~~~* Kelly, as I said yesterday at your table, God bless you both. Hope you get married, if that is what you want. Good luck. See you around )*
Actually hold on though I do apologize, you may yet get the last word. You began your vitriol by saying I brought you back into this again, where and how did I do that? Maybe you should reread and tell me who made the first move. I merely responded to someone (schlomo) who commented on something Kelly posted way back. And then you chipped in so I would say you invited yourself.
Hey you, Belated as it may be. Now, I feel free to respond to your perfect Comment. My dear-our dear-FlyOrDie fellow in The Forum

You said it all. When I replied to Chris aka etc. I purposely lightly touched on your words, "Man up!"

You said it all in one nutshell that has had to take me well over a week in total to write here, to Friends I know, and well as FlYOrDie strangers, friends I have not met yet, such as, yourself!!! <3 )))*
Ha ha ha! Did not dare or choose to make this about peoples faults! And, 'specially...Principles over personality." Bill Wilson

Thanks again! Please come and see me at the best current game site on the net! Yay U. ya MODS aka Moderators. 
By the way, came here to Post a brand new post. Ha! My gut told me to check it here. This after*** Happy? Meal-- Lover?!...said to me to us...he would never post here again!
So Live & Let Live!
Have a ball y'all ))))))))))))))))))*
In love and othello servise,
Hey you! Hi there!
Right on and "rite," on!

We all in my humble opinion need that. Of course! You know. Where ever we are man! These to *Show Boats!* Like the attention and melodrama and, are being advised by at least one, daughter of a beach! This woman If, it is one...:p Is sadly confused, unhappy, long-timer here, and, believe means well, and/or wants to be of help, however, her/him their soul sickness keep them dark. very dark!!!~*!  Freaking evil too often through betrayal! Manipulation, drama Queen, gossip, and lies! Fruck her, and/or anyone at my 2nd vacation Internet FOD. Bah! This is my last rodeo with her.
She knows that! She's smart too.
God and/or Higher Power Blessings to you, me, to All on our planet. Particularly we of faith. There is a God and, I'm not it!!!!~*
"ha ha ha."
Oh yeah, many and, man, many good players, fantastic brilliant people as I mentioned long ago in my Vicious Over The Top in Othello! We R not going to take it anymore!
Ciao 4 now~* xoxox and
yours in FlyOrDie service, Judy
Yes, Yes, WE do... in Paradise.
To confuse the bullies you could log in with a male nickname; if George Eliot and Robert Galbraith can do it, so can you! I tried playing using a male friend's username for a bit myself and it certainly helped.
hihihi )))* Ella, Think you may be new here, not sure. Good to read you! <3 Welcome if new, Cheers to you too :)*
Yes, well, Chris HML is a smart man. So simple to keep the harassers and abusive meanies away. Great idea. Think no one will bother you Ella, for using someone else's nick with those pure motives, however, let me suggest you make your own new nicks. FlyOrDie does not like shared nicks, or allow it, usually. 'Specially not passwords. You know! Lol. So easy, so simple to make incognito nicknames. Make 2 nicknames one for happy meal lover one for ky girl Both Male! Do not chat in Lobby and, in your games, you two, Whisper/Private Message. You Will Be Left alone! Except maybe by some Girls! ha ha ha! tee hee hehe's. <<Wink and grin> 
 The Drifters perform 'Up on the Roof' live on QVC <---Nice Song from ur FOD-Othello_DJ. Judy:)* Banjo is my Great Pyrenees Dog, he sends kisses, a  paw and lotta droll! Giggling
I quite agree with all the comments on this subject. I am a man and i want to say- this : "I hate bullying in general and cyber bullying in particular." "I want also to stand here and say that the men who bully women this way (in real life or in cyber) are the shame of our sex. I want to express my solidarity to the women suffering from it" " towards women, it is unacceptable... towards children or teen agers, it is abject" " the degree of a civilisation is measured to the protection it offers to the most vulnerable persons, chidren, old people, women, gay, etc..." thank you for reading me to the end.
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