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Program and non-program players
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Program and non-program players
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Program and non-program players

I would ask the following question: why is amount of non-marked program players on this site increasing from day to day? In addition, marked program players lose their program signs "turning immediately into fair players" as soon as their ratings fall below 350 point level. That is wrong in my opinion.

I know well that trying to avoid playing program players some strong players (including program ones) select carefully their opponents for games. So, their play on this site looks like walking on a minefield.

I think it is necessary that a player once detected as program player should keep the gotten program sign for some time, say, a month no matter how many points he has at the given moment.

By now many effective algorithms of program play detection have been known, but none of them properly works on the site in my opinion. Please do not say that it is impossible to detect program play when a player uses two computers to play!

I would also like to say some more words about program players on this site. Unlike most non-program players who tend to accuse the program players of cheating I want to take the part of the program ones.

Dear friends! According to the rules of the site program play is allowed. Therefore, no one ought to insult the program players. A player has the right to choose how to play.

Some players try to improve their ratings, attain higher colors, and win prizes whereas others just relax on this site. People are different. Either change the rules or treat the program players kindly!

Whether or not nobody forces a player to challenge for a game or accept the challenge from the players whom he does not want to play at all. Please respect each other!

Based on foregoing I believe that when calling a player we ought to use the collocations "program player" and "non-program player" instead of the incorrect "fair player", "honest player", "cheater" and so on because all of the players here are honest (banking is not considered now), but most of the program players are not marked.

So, I wish the existing mechanisms of program play detection were improved in the near future and all of the program players were marked. Otherwise, only program ones will play on this site in some years. (

Thank you for attention!
 why do you allow programme players  the are just cheats ....
> Hello!
> I would ask the following question: why is amount of
> non-marked program players on this site increasing
> from day to day? In addition, marked program players
> lose their program signs "turning immediately into
> fair players" as soon as their ratings fall below 350
> point level. That is wrong in my opinion.
> I know well that trying to avoid playing program
> players some strong players (including program ones)
> select carefully their opponents for games. So, their
> play on this site looks like walking on a minefield.
> I think it is necessary that a player once detected
> as program player should keep the gotten program sign
> for some time, say, a month no matter how many points
> he has at the given moment.
> By now many effective algorithms of program play
> detection have been known, but none of them properly
> works on the site in my opinion. Please do not say
> that it is impossible to detect program play when a
> player uses two computers to play!
> I would also like to say some more words about
> program players on this site. Unlike most non-program
> players who tend to accuse the program players of
> cheating I want to take the part of the program
> ones.
> Dear friends! According to the rules of the site
> program play is allowed. Therefore, no one ought to
> insult the program players. A player has the right to
> choose how to play.
> Some players try to improve their ratings, attain
> higher colors, and win prizes whereas others just
> relax on this site. People are different. Either
> change the rules or treat the program players
> kindly!
> Whether or not nobody forces a player to challenge
> for a game or accept the challenge from the players
> whom he does not want to play at all. Please respect
> each other!
> Based on foregoing I believe that when calling a
> player we ought to use the collocations "program
> player" and "non-program player" instead of the
> incorrect "fair player", "honest player", "cheater"
> and so on because all of the players here are honest
> (banking is not considered now), but most of the
> program players are not marked.
> So, I wish the existing mechanisms of program play
> detection were improved in the near future and all of
> the program players were marked. Otherwise, only
> program ones will play on this site in some years. (
> Thank you for attention!

Some sites have a wonderful way of knowing whether you are playing with the program or with an honest player. When a player leaves the game site, the color of his nickname turns pale.This does not always, of course, mean that the player left the site window in order to use the program.Sometimes, during the game, I go out for a few seconds from the game window, in order to turn on the music on the computer. But this will be a single way out of the game.The color of the nickname will turn pale for a while and when I return it will be normal again.When a player uses the program, he has to, every move, exit the game site, upload it to the program, and then log on to the site.His nickname will constantly flicker.I think that it will be very unpleasant for a player who wants to seem honest and strong, but who in fact is not.For the creators of this site, I think, will not be very difficult, if they want it, of course, to make this small innovation. This would save many honest players from the strong irritation - lose the soulless program.Since the vast majority of visitors to this site, I think, prefer to play with live opponents and not with a robot. In order to play with the program, this site is completely unnecessary.
I agree. This is a program site.  The real problem is that people lie about using a program.  That's what makes people so angry.  You can detect a program without applications.  You can tell but the intelligence of a human and the time it takes.  I see lots of low intelligence people who are perfect but slow players.  That means a program. It's easy
It’s a wrong opinion that the problem of detecting programs can be solved by detecting moments when a player leaves the game. This approach was possibly effective to a certain degree in the 1990s, but not now, taking into account the fact that electronic devices are becoming more and more powerful and increasingly common across the world from year to year.

There are a lot of reasons for which a player can often leave the game. One of them is being on social media networking sites when playing as it was said above. For all I know many players do so. As to me, I often leave the game when being in the lobby, not when playing, but it does not change anything.

Leaving the game does not violate the Flyordie terms of service, so, a player has the right to do it without being accused of cheating or something like that. Moreover, programmers who are working on the problem of checkers software detection should not be interested in what kind of things a player does when playing because, in fact, this way leads nowhere. That’s why the programmers should just focus on analyzing games played.

Dear friends!

My previous posts raised the problem of using programs to take an advantage over an opponent when playing regular checkers games. Now I would like to touch upon the topic of program players in bullet games.

On Flyordie I faced this problem for the first time in 2005 when I began playing on this website. It was in 2005 that I played against programs for the first time.

I don’t know whether some of highly rated bullet players used checkers programs at that time or not, but I know for sure that there were a number of low rated bullet players who did so because I was one of those who played against them.

But time has passed, and things have changed. It is 2019 now. What do we have today?

Firstly, the amount of program bullet players has greatly increased.
Secondly, there are some program players even in bullet tournaments.

How did that happen?

According to the rules of this website using checkers programs to take advantage over an opponent is allowed no matter what kind of checkers game one plays.

Okay! However, using checkers programs is prohibited in bullet tournaments according to the same rules. I have to state that the above rule about bullet tournaments does not work at all.

I know that some non-program strong players even quit taking part in the tournaments just because of violations of the above rule by a number of program players. It looks quite logical. If the best non-program players cannot win the tournaments, then their play makes no sense.

As a result, tournaments have lost the most valuable – the strongest players, and turned into a simple formality, an opportunity for low rated players and newbies who have no idea of bullet checkers at all to easily get golden stars and grand prix points for what they do not deserve in my opinion.

Today our common objective should be to get the strongest players back in the bullet tournaments. Getting red of program players in the bullet tournaments is the only way to enhancing the image of not only the bullet tournaments, but also bullet games as a whole.

Thank you for your attention!
Players on Flyordie often ask me the question: whether it is worth playing those who tend to use checkers software with the idea of taking advantage over their opponents when playing. My answer is obvious: yes, of course, why not?

I know for sure that on this website there are a lot of non-program players who never or almost never play program players for principle considering them as common cheaters, but are they right? I doubt that.

Firstly, you do not fight for real prizes and money. Therefore, you lose and win nothing real when playing your opponents via the Internet.

Secondly, technological progress has made contemporary checkers programs very strong. Is it good for us, the human beings? Yes, of course!

Staying in, you get an opportunity to play the strongest checkers opponent ever, no matter what kind of opponent is - a checkers program downloaded and installed on your computer or a human playing you with the help of his program on a gaming website. Therefore, you get an opportunity to improve your level of checkers skills.

Thirdly, considering this problem in the broad sense of the word I can see here a fundamental debate on the topic "Man vs. Machine". As for me, I am always ready to fight against checkers programs to prove THE POWER OF THE HUMAN BRAIN.

I am a human and this is the only way given to me by God! I believe all people on Earth who are interested in checkers should follow this way as well. Of course, the above can be applied not only to checkers, but also to all online board games.

Fourthly, statistics of online checkers games including those played on Flyordie inexorably shows the following tendency: from year to year the number of players who tend to use checkers software increases. It is a fact!

Despite the efforts of programmers working on anti-cheating programs all over the world it is quite possible that in the foreseeable future playing with the help of checkers software will become a common thing.

We should be prepared for such a bitter turn of events. The best way to do it and not to be disappointed in the checkers game at all in the near future is to play against checkers programs installed on your computer and program players on the Internet today, right now!

Is it worth playing program players? Everyone solves this question for himself depending primarily on the goals he pursues. In real competitions where money is at stake, players tend to prepare for a particular opponent. It is a fine way of having a try at winning the opponent.

In my opinion this rule does not work properly when playing on the Internet. Online games should just be regarded as a training process thanks to which you can improve checkers skills of your own. From this point of view any opponent can be useful no matter whether he is a program player or a non-program one.

On Flyordie, there are a lot of players who pay attention mostly to their own play, not to the kind of opponents whom they play. I think they follow the right way. 
at the checker it is very easy to draw against a prog (the sign!) at the checker the sign appeared at 300, the site it is true erases the sign below 300, you say that we can detect a (sign! ) if you play with 2 pc it's wrong it's impossible.
you can also have the (sign!) without having a program by clicking on different web pages while staying connected on the flyordie game page!
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