For interest in statistics and curiosity, I have looked at an alternative curling GP (partial). I made a ranking based on average for the actual top 10 of the Curling GrandPrix for the 2018 tournaments, until 2. may 2018. I divide the points in GP with the number of tournaments played by each. The average rank is: Players name-points GP:tournaments played=average 1-WINSTONPHD-68:4=17.00 2-GABRIELAMIHAELA-265:16=16,56 3-SPORTURSALF-129:8=16.12 4-WIND-158:10=15.80 5-GO B-217:20=10.85 6-FINN PETERSEN-110:12=9.16 7-AIYANNA-113:13=8.69 8-COYACAN-166:20=8.30 9-NOTJOHNSHUSTER-147:19=7.73 10-DAVINFR-139:19=7.13 Kind regards