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A FULL TIME Voluntarily=MODERATOR Reversi
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Dear Moderators
A FULL TIME Voluntarily=MODERATOR Reversi
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Dear Moderators
A FULL TIME Voluntarily=MODERATOR Reversi
Hiya, Good Mods. and people that take time to read this and too respond-reply especially!-I was a Hostess at Vinco Online Game site. It is in my nature, my genes. We NEED a FULL-TIME Volunteer Moderator here in Reversi aka Othello. Goddess who is dear to my heart used to cover that game sometime. She is a Senior "MOD." I love her ever so much! Then, suddenly last year, methinks, Thor von Migrad became a Senior MOD too. However, as his nickname warns, of thunder & Lightening, and he is a Man! Lol. He's from Germany. And, like their best on the world engineering, is Very tough to drive like The Mercedes Banz : )* at times. Of co, this is a metaphor sometimes to communicate to for me, as a Jewish Lady.  We Jew's must remember our past or are doomed to repeat it, as history shows us. I love ya Thor, as miss blond doe as well. : )))*. Thor is a very good Othello PLayer! However, is very rarely at Reversi-Othello, partly he's a busy man, and, methinks that he is a Moderator here that must cover what?...4-5 games at once? Oy vey! Lol. 
I have ask3d privately at least a month or two ago, for magicman0 aka Dave to please be considered for this One game Only Moderator! He applied. I kept it up, kudos about him, a long, long time friend from "VOG." Dave was a Moderator at a game site for Othello long ago! Dave was an excellent one! This I know! Its a fact, that we have so many harassers, stalkers, cheats program players, very sick in the head and possible Dangerous People there it often feels and is unsafe! Many times, I have held my breath or been frightened of just being me. Because with me, what you see is what you get. So, I am all over the WEB! Anyone at any time could find me. Kill me, my dog, torture or steal whatever...! All of the decent people at our beloved Reversi Games would support this 100%! Well, at least 96% of them. Lol. You know. I am taking my very precious time to write this even before I drive on ice to buy cigarettes! I beseech, Goddess, Thor von Midgard, ThunDer, who I adore, OPERATOR, as well the Owner of this non-American game-site to think about this carefully. Talk, debate, chat, talk on the cell, whatever...as long as you need too. Dave, Myself,  him, Rick Sanchez, and others have got the innocent one's back that needs to be protected!! But, why>? I pay an enormous amount of money for myself and others here. Including most all nicknames. Why? To show support, to hopefully help fund this family site to improve! No big deal, if I eat a little less or buy fewer shoes to do so!!! Laughing hard. I have done this since 1999 at VOG. Mainly to kids, and teenagers that really wanted and needed it. I have done so, many times, anonymously. Giggle. But, our Othello people are brilliant therefore it became impossible to keep my secret! Plus, I dislike about letting it all hang out here is/ ie. Letting my other Lady-In-Red nickname here and Red hair down for all to see.  A) no replies. B) Now a lot of people know, my lil' secret. C) I know all posts are posted Only with FlyOrDie approval. To protect my heart and my soul I have copied this elsewhere. :-p! By the way, Reversi Lovers, I am co-Administrator on Facebook, for a Closed Group. The Reversi Chat Group. Peggy Mehta (hope spelt correctly ) Who also plays here, is the Administrator. Shout-out to Her! : )))*. Lastly, I and my real life Othello friends I've met In the USA, In NYC, I was a Table-Judge!  and abroad would be most likely to play here,  even almost as they d on Reversi Wars on their cells! I promise to spread the worldwide word if you do this for us!. Lol, I have promised Thor, to tone down my natural flirty chat, as with all promises or vows have kept my word! Thank you Thor von Midgard for that Private message oh so long ago it seems! <3 :-p Goddess, you were so gentle as usual, long ago, about your warning me about you know what, I like a 2-year-old child did it once more anyway! I am most apologetic. I love you. Two or so years back u introduced me to a special man. Thanks for that! "I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now!" LOve to all. Respect to those that have earned mine. Love ya, Thor, neva will forget Gylp's and miss blond's Lobby Shower! Lol. Shout out to miss blond aka Isa too! Oh, was warned by a man friend of Thor's that the more visible here at FOD...this great newsletter, PM's etc. That was wrong to do. For, they will take advantage of that for whatever their reasons. This, even if believed it, simply, is not me. God bless and keep us all. ~*.
The Moderators are rightfully cracking down hard on we who have more nicknames than the Rules f Conduct," say. I feel it is only fair not to have to learn this by word of mouth. Then, later on, by a Private Message from a Moderator. I even begged. You see, once again, at VOG, one could make any amount of nicknames they wanted. It was all cool. :(* Um, Many, many times over the years I got carried away when I was manic from lack of sleep, and, unfortunately, had no way to delete them! Disliked most of them anyway!! Asked a MOD if they could, methinks...but they could not either!! I have been told by many people that they have like, Cricky, over 100. That is sheer abuse!! Will be happy and feel safer when those kinds of people get some taken away. I also am aware that the older FlYOrDie players are given a little more room. Dealt with kid gloves. For me, this is wonderful and, really how it seems it should be. The Pink stars FOD gives, and so much more they do for us all is truly fantastic! Back to me, "my favourite subject!" Lol, "Nah." I have begged a certain MOderator to delete the nicknames I choose, to be righteous and fair, as well as kindly gentle. Because the important ones mean something very dear to me. Hm, Sighing. I doubt they will...yet, "Hope springs eternal." Perhaps they cannot, yet, they are top-shelf here, so, not being a usual betting Lady, I'd hope that they may extend one more underserved cup of kindness with this issue. Because I always feel compelled to chat, to be kind, to be a gracious Hostess in my games as does, learner, for example! I have known nickname's, however, to play serious games, sayin' nothing, or being brief and polite. I will not play certain friends,( of at all ), that I know would feel awful if I did play what that* kind of nickname!  But, I am honest about it, let all know who ask or do not ask, that I Hate being a guest! Plus, one does not rack up the wonderful FlyOrDie dots on our die.  whatever...I do not online catfish, snoop, spy-without FOD's best interest in mind. Nor do I act like a big shot, stalker, meanie, (The vast majority of the time ). @ least I apologize right away, Peggy says, "That's what we love about you!" From her, that is a huge compliment. Last but not least...I have a young friend that is just like my little brother, or nephew since about 1999-2000! He was the best power of example as well as an example of the Power of our beloved game. When He was at VOG as a natural born genius player, when another good one;s would dislike and even be mean if anyone chatted in games...he always has time to talk with everyone. We call each other, affectionally, Val~* = Valentine. He is known as Froompykat aka Ben Seeley. I hope with all my heart he will not mind me disclosing these particular things. He is one of the most humble men I have ever had the pleasure to know. We in Othello who seriously love the game and Her people, all know him. I have not checked this with Ben. Which, for something public like this, I usually do. Just like many good serious players~*! One who I feel needs another big SHOUT-OUT is Michael Handle aka here, MidnigHt. He is dead now. His "Othello Poem," can be found here. For, I posted it for him. Also, at Facebook, as I do yearly, to be passed on especially to or newcomers. The Othello Federation of America and other countries is going a bang-up job at passing this game onto young people and others. As well, as The Anjar Brother's who coined the phrase, "Othello." They often show up at The WOC's. aka World Othello Championships which happen annually. The Brother's have been most generous to allow us all to even call Reversi Othello. Ah-ha! One last to me vital point...since The Owner, Mods and OPERATOR are all cleaning up the so-called act, cleaning up the bull crap here, I feel that the number of nicknames, save for the insane amounts some use...there are far, far more important issues that need addressing first! For what Lil' me knows they are. I have noticed more people being Demreited, seemingly faster than usual. Yay MODS. :-p. Unfortunately not being a PC Tech.* For all I know and have heard, there are genuine Hackers that can bypass any system anyway!:( *. Lol. I once heard this from an Othello player, maybe it was Eddie Williams, or Matthias Berg<-a gr8 friend of mine I have met a couple of times. In any case, it was this, "All Othello Players are brilliant, have a great sense of humour and all of them are emotionally immature! Lol. Lol. Uhmm-hmm-umm-hmmm! Lol. I know I am, so they say. Oy vey! Lol.  The more I know the less I know. :)* Btw, we methinks get 3 chances to get banned, beginning with1-3 Demerits. This may or may not be permanent. Only know that when going to some nicknames, It says, You are banned permanently. Which is a relief! If, only I/we could have a say in what goes and what stays! Bloody Heck! When creating them I usually lost the passwords and/or nicknames or both! Lol! Yikes! 
So, here I sit at nearly 4 am because I love Y'all here so very much. And, with age, cometh self love too! <3 . Lol, have a HOT now lukewarm bath waiting for me. My dog, my peace of mind and the much needed sleep! Thanks FlyOrDie for all you do. OMG! Nearly forgot, FOD rewards good family members here with sweet little pink Stars. Hm, Lol, it was like a miracle, I even got one last week, it isn't visible cos I subscribe. Never thought it would happen. By and by, long ago I applied for the Moderator position. Never got a definitive answer, Yay, cos' I'd never be able to Report a Friend of Distinction. Lol. Whew! That was a close call haha, Lol, prolly would not have gotten it anyway! I am flirtatious online Only, unless with Friends in real life! And, guys and dolls I am Not a C_ _ K Teaser. All know and are informed that is merely my sense of humour. Hye Filks, Lol, I'm a native New Yorker born and raised in Manhattan. PPPppppPPP. You know! Um, my name is Judy. I was the first Contessa at ICQ. Love the name Tessa, Tess.My first A.K.C. Gr8 Pyrenees dog who I breed I named, BalibasqueContessa. I love France where they are mainly from. Been there, will never forget a nano-second of it! : )*. I am also, Lady-In-Red. Contessa has been here since 2008. MidnigHt made me come! Lol. Hm...no pun intended! My best nickname that I loved was already taken from me, it was, Judy ❤️ . Have one more thus far, I adore, cos Happymeal❤️Lover came in originally to us with that heart! My friends-MOds all know what that is. It isn't anonymous though, so sad about that! Crickey, what the hay, let someone else copy it, it hurts no matter what I write, it is ❤️ .Tessã.
This leads me to the kindness of MODS, Me thinks that nickname was taken away, and later, given back. Not my business, just observant is all. Please, Moderators, realize that as soon as all of FlyOrDie players saw the Coffee cups, the hearts...many of us rushed to make one too!!! By then, I made more than I could or wanted to handle. Whew! One Mo' Thing, a SHOUT-OUT to Thor von Midgard for that private chat we had ever so long ago. I divulged extremely private information to him. Because he believes in a GOD, I was able to reach his ❤️. He gave e hope and renewed my own faith in my God. A God of my understanding. Thanks again! "God Bless you and Keep You Always and  May You Stay Forever Young." by Robert Zimmerman aka Bob Dylan. In our games especially The Tournaments, "G'skill and a lil' bit O'luck," to all~*.
Well, Okie-Dokie. No one wanted to Reply. Way cool.*. Many have said they read it. That's what counts! : )))))*
God and/or Positive Blessings. 

Dave acts as Our MOD and others, anyway! PPPpppPPP.
Be well MODS & Everybody.
May Y'all have health, happiness, and prosperity.

BTW, will be Posting many Othello Links from my friend, FroompyKat, Matthias Berg and others as soon as can make the time. 
Hi. I would like to nominate Dave, aka Magicmano, to be a modirator. I think he is a straight and honest player and would bring a lot of fairness to the site. Thank you 
Thank you for responding. Now, our task is to collect more votes for him. Hm, let's get as many honest and true blue players to Reply as well. Lol. Know it can be "harder than "pulling teeth!" Giggles. Right on Bro~*. Right on. "rite," on.

"We NEED a FULL-TIME Volunteer Moderator here in Reversi"

I agree with this, a moderator is really needed there and I think, that magicman0 would be a good choice.
Please stop spamming the forums Contessa. Reversi is fine the way it is.
Laughing a lot!
Painting my long fingernails now. Ready to use a girl's claws! Lol. :p
You're not worth my precious time at the moment!  Laugh and wink.

Thank you two for the Replies!

Never surrender never give up!

Yay, we who care!

"Keep on keeping on." ~*
The second reply for the other has not been posted as far as I can see...

Dear Little Bear,
  I'm a writer. What I write here is not spam, nor was it ever intended to be. From what I've gathered at "The Forum," is that our Moderator's created this for just such a purpose. To communicate, to know what's happening here currently with us all of FlyOrde's games. For, discussing issues, working things out, unless and until a MOD comes to Post something otherwise. And, on and on. This Form is very helpful to them as well. "It cuts through the chase."

Before I replied to your sarcastic comment, I checked the MOD LIST here. Knowing that one of them would not use brutal honesty. Yet, one comes to learn to check things twice. 
I am not ashamed of anything I've written here. Ya cannot guilt me into going away. Nor can  anyone else. I did get a message from an X-stalker that he was, Glad I was told off. That you were right." Like I care? Hm!

What do you know about reverse-Othello here anyway dear? I rarely see your nickname Litte Bear there. Are you using more nicknames? 
And, lastly, if you think that, " reverse is fine the way it is," why would you type such a thing?
What are your motives?!
No need to write here about what they are methinks. That seems to be between you and your good conscience, and none of my business.
 I hope and pray that you and yours are well. And, that you will not Reply the way you did previously. But, hey,  chuckles, Love and let live.
Perhaps we will play in reverse or another one of your games one day.
Warm wishes,

I will not reply to your disrespectful remarks towards me as they show your character. However, I am entitled to me own opinion and I will continue to express it regardless of what you say. Reversi is fine the way it is and I believe that your replies are spam because you type 600 sentences when you could easily say what you want in 2 sentences.
>will not reply to your disrespectful remarks towards me as they show your character. 

You just did.

>However, I am entitled to my own opinion and I will continue to express it regardless of what you say.
Yes, we all have them and have a voice here. The more the more the merrier.:)

 >Reversi is fine the way it is 

How so?:)

>and I believe that your replies are spam because you type 600 sentences when you could easily say what you want in 2 sentences.

Anyone can do that! Hm, merely not my way.  :)
“You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can't …” … please, all the people all of the time” (Poet John Lydgate as made famous by Abraham Lincoln).

Take good care. Let's play there sometime. Would be a pleasure.:)
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