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I can’t believe I remembered my password
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I can’t believe I remembered my password
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I can’t believe I remembered my password
Basically what the title says.

It’s been years but maybe I’ll log on and see if I’m any good anymore.

Şŋΐρέ  (TrA_Guru, and also DRILL INSTRUCTOR for a bit)
Waste of time, they neglected the game and it's dead, literally. I'm the only good player ul find and even i don't login now...

Sad facts but it's true. They even deleted PC version..

Tornado plays tournaments and that's it, nobody plays in room 1 except 1-2 players. Nobody relevant is around anymore bud.

Nice to see an old face..but believe me you're better off not wasting your time..

Yeah nobody rellevant plays Tanx anymore??

UBR Orcle won 6 months since 11/2018 and he is a nice guy to beat, your just ignoring him because he is your friends or what.. doesnt make sense, At least be positive about him instead of just 1 or 2 players "comments" lurking with americans of TrA/Xc LOL

FTW won last 2 championships by Danny & Sentinel nicks and where is the commentary Jeff, FTW Super Roy is gonna win this month doesnt mean anything to you?? :)

-Bernard DeVriend Master in private :p
Its easy to win so perfect to be dominant

Not more people then i can handle kkkkkk

Bernard: relevant*

The best players of 2019 are UBR Orcle, and FTW Undisputed for winning with pure dominance in tournaments ;) 

Im happy to be in fod. Love you guys. :* <3!

As far as anyone notice your comment, feel free to rejoin Tanx, and when you wanna 1v1, call me in FODBall or ask 

FOD_Deathnote who started a new clan lately who gives away free subs for iconic players and talents.

Take care mano. Your gonna be cool! :D
Im currently playing alot GTA5

Do you have a Xbox live account? im UBR Sheverty call me there, Jeffs right Tanx is dead and even tho Orcle is a nice 2010 nick it has low expections, and UBR Sunlover was the best UBR in history x.X Sorry Dan but its true. :p 

Take care

@Jeff Please try to get a xbox one so we can make some fun there ;) #Peace :)

Jeff is litterly the only good player in Tanx, Sorry to say but Orcle isnt as good to compete with Jeff, 10-5 is Orcles Maximum. He made UBR worthfull in month in a dead game. I also think Snipe cant ever reaches Jeffs level ingame. He is amazing, maybe too amazing for us. :( 

@FOD Sentinel 

dude, Juan Moreno needs you in FOD, so read this comment ;)


1v1 SFT vs FOD Kick It ;)

Ill join FOD when sub expires :p & Thanks.

Lets say

#1 Dorigoale: i saw her in tournaments and shes really good and i know her because she is in UBR in facebook for years :)
#2 Jeff (Undisputed: The best 2v2 partner in history)
#3 Felipe Alberto (Tornado)
#4 Garcia Munoz (Orcle)
#5 Maybe me? :p ;) (no thanks lol)
#6 Juan Moreno (Death note)

Thats the list i currently think of and Snipe can beat maybe #4 and #5 and #6 when he trains more often, use angles in room1 with friends and see how things work again.


Try to play tournaments, its not that bad, there are 1 or 2 people worth fighthing still ;)


Dont let Tanx end like this :( Theres litterly no other games with this mechenics and mouse controlling Tank system so at least give us some updates ;)

Danny1994 since 2008
I love how all your posts show up at the exact same time out of nowhere, tells me you're all 1 person...LOL
My bad, seems i was mistaken about it.

Thanks for the kind words i guess!
Take care  ;)
Welcome back in Tanx jajajajaja
I cant believe id remembered this game Tanx.

Its so long time ago i rarely know how to use offrader :o



@Sentinel: Since all your dutch friends are coming back in fod why not make a NL team? (especially Theirly, Murky, Zero and Zion after UBR?! :)
