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Tipcike in billiards games
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Tipcike in billiards games
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Tipcike in billiards games
Hello i open this Topic for talk about the player 
 in billiards games, humm my bad on Tourney billiards games 

It's very strange that a player like him can not play for 10 days and come to a snooker tournament and finish an hard table you will tell me surely yes but when there is one player who come in game to finish all the tables each time its normal, you can tell me one more luck he is lucky today except that it is the case for every billiard tournament 
 , I find this too much weird, and I will like when
even know if other players are in the same case as me or if I hallucinate ..

What do you think?


lol anthony, jealous because he has a higher level than you without needing 6 subbed nicks and playing 12hours a day. Put your dummy back in hun.
I agree with you ANT. I believe TIPCIKE practices everyday or play billiard games under a different nick.
We can see Marty with him Intuition nick is always stupid, so thanks for your reply Firsty , If tipcike play on other nicks for practice where he is on top 20 because he doesnt miss some shots .. if he plays he is 100% on top 5 
Tipcike is just better than you.
 I think you need to learn the English language first of all, and then,practice snooker/billiards.
>Tipcike is just better than you.

Sure he is i can be ok with this but so strange and I’m not the only one who think that 
I think he plays other billiard games in the meantime.  Maybe he practices as a guest or in the practice room and only turns up for the tournaments.  A few players do this, prime example would be ΨLoginAsGuest-pc who only ever plays in tournaments, on that name, at least...
It is strange to ant my stalker because he is playing fod 18h a day for all his life understandable that he is very confused and jealous that he has to make a forum topic to discredit tipcike.