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Come on, Challenge me! 
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Come on, Challenge me! 
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Come on, Challenge me! 
Any old players fancy coming back for a few games? I'm still incredibly sharp. In the past iv man handled the greatest players this game had to offer..sometimes in hilarious fashion. 

I would love a real competitive opponent for once..it's been at least 5 or 6 years since i had a rivalry with GraveRobber or Tornado and i'm thirsting for another rival.

Any old players..pass me a message here in this thread and we can arrange when to play ect.

Thank you.
Actually Jeff I would love to. Get me back to par, should take about a week. Some people like to slander about stuff they have no clue about. Think they need a good blast from the past.
Hey Justin.

That sounds great, it's been years since i had an opponent so i look forward to it, if you're actually serious about it.

I can be frequently active from November 7th on-wards. I will be around then & i'l get a sub and get back into it. Should be fun, it's been forever since i had someone to play who can actually fight with me on a high level so it would be good to get that feeling back..it's been so long since i had a challenge honestly dude.

Just throw me a reply here when you have time and let me know if you're able to be around from the 7th as i can't really get on before then. 

Ya that sounds good. I won’t really have a break from work until about the 10 of November so we can shoot for somewhere after that.
Let me grab some pop-corn for the fight!

gl for both.
Im looking forward to the game :)

I will check this forum i dont wanna miss it 

I cant wait for the game to start.
Yeah it's all good 10th forward is no issue. Looks like we got some fanboys here though..lol.
Good luck man. When i missed the game i wanna see a prtsc in my steam account mkay theres a big change you can win and make him respect you mkay so dont let us down mkay :|
>In the past iv man handled the greatest players this game had to offer..sometimes in hilarious fashion.

Dunno if your head is big enough to fit in the TANX lobby anymore Jeff.. :|

If I'm around, I'll be sure to watch.
Apparently i still have some cheerleaders...oh boy.
I have no issue with Jeff. I’m playing Jeff to prepare me so I can destroy you. Since YOU are the one who is spamming the forums about ME, and my old clan, that you know nothing about. 
ok put me in...Monday at 17:35:45secs Germany time. Just make sure you don't wear a kilt coz that's awful sight to see, Lad. I will give you're FREEDOM William Wallace style Jeff. While you play you're Scottish Flute and we roll the dice once n for all in desert. I remember in the past I always had to destroy energy after you re-spawn according to you you were taking it by accident everytime you were low "health"coz according to you it was an "accident" lol yet I still got you 10/4 lol. 

P.S finally met you're side Jeff not in terms of weight but in challenge.
Someone is in quite the Fantasy land eh Max? :$
Yo Justin, any idea on a date/time you can be online? iv been on daily checking every couple of hours but not seen you yet.

Keep in mind i'm UK time zone so not sure what time you would even be online. Throw me a date/time if you got one dude.
Should be soon. Do u have a better way of getting in touch? I can sign in soon if u wanted to post it there.
I'm normally on TANX between 9PM to Midnight roughly, UK Time. That's pretty much the best time to find me online currently.

You could add me on discord and il message you there instead of the forums as it's a million times easier than waiting 2-3 days for posts to show up here.

My Discord : Jeff#4305  hmu if you have it.
Tanx used to be such a fun and intense game. Sad it's dead. They never care to update the game what so ever,but instead updates the player stats profile. good job fod.
UBR and FTW are allies or rivals btw?

Anyway i hope Undisputed teaches him a lesson that the Zeros are as good as the word it describes. :D :p
Is this Challenge even started, or did he like muted you with his Oakley account in discord to save himself a pair? RSRSRS
Someones been keeping tabs on me i see.

Honestly not sure if or when were going to actually meet in-game and play a while. Not been able to locate him at the right times thus far. The time zone really doesn't help either of us.

I can't play with Tornado because he's avoided me ever since : 

Where i refused to let him beat me in a tournament.
He has NOT ONCE spoken to me since i beat him in that one back then. Pretty darn hilarious if you think about it.

I just want someone to play with who knows the game, knows how to win. I cant even remember the last time i had to put effort into a game..not being egotistical..it's just the state of the game. I have no opponents, literally. Id like a few games before i'm done with it. I don't care of the outcome either. I'm a shade of what i was in 2011-2012.
I honestly thing UBR and FTW are the simular as XC and NBK, close friends but also with a rival twist *cough*

I dont know who Twister, Oakley or whatever is but from the stories i heard it doesnt seem to be so complicated what continues after this forum talk.

Exacly :)
Just dont pay attention to avoid losing. Pure class :p
Your not responcable for his wins in a tournament since he is using a King alias.
I would find it unsportive if it was a clanmate and its was more like a question to let him play, but he said on perpose. "Let me win biba" Which means that youll guys were getting along through a phase where he meant to pretent you guys had sort of a friendship in the process of years and on a FTW nick i would understand this but its a King alias and theres a rivalry between you to and to be honest its a riskfull question because fod can read private msgs. I wouldnt done this, and as if i was Tornado i wouldve kept the game aside. He won 100 tournaments and #2 overall tournament winner in flyordie. Torn got nothing to prove and wont need to come back and damage himself.
Justin if were gonna play it has to be soon. Once my sub runs out in a week i'm not gonna be renewing it, i only subbed so we could play and i still haven't caught you online yet.

Pass me a date/time or just forget it i guess.
I'l be on for the Classic Tournament on Dec 5th 7-8pm uk time, that's a guaranteed time to catch me.
Jeff Ah was thaur 'at day an' ye ne'er shaw up jist goes tae shaw up 'at yoo're scared ay a real laddie. yoo're belly is tay big fur ye tae gie reach ay th' moose? sae crawl back tae yoo're cae bloomer
Twister didnt showup in 11 years.
Why he would play this time?!
Welp nvm the last post, they haven't even bothered to approve any TANX posts lately. Funny, they approve other forum sections...

Either way, hit me up sometime on discord if you ever wanna slug it out in game, if i get the message while i'm online i'l jump on. Till then il be away from the forums. Not gonna wait two weeks for posts to show up here lawl.
This challenge will remain open for whoever wants it some day. Just add me on the discord i left in one of the responses to Justin in this page and i'l get back to you sometime.

Hope everyone has a pleasant festive season and new year.

Best wishes


@Justin, not sure where you went but hope you're alright my dude. Best wishes.

Challenge remains open for anyone who might want to come back just hit me up on discord or reply here and il get back to you, peace out.

Discord ID : Jeff#4305
More than a year after your last post about it, How long does it gonna take to realise Twister is just a *cough* chicken?
Maybe if he had a XC Cojones name he'd try me lmao