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I'm Back Boys!
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I'm Back Boys!
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I'm Back Boys!
Jk I ain't back. I hope everyone is well, this is about the only nick I have left, The rest are mostly banned or i've forgotten the password, i'll have to try a few more later on.

It's been so damn long since I logged in and now i've tried the browsers no longer seem to be working, tried IE/OPERA/FIREFOX,MAXTHON.

Running Windows 7, can anyone help?

Shout out to FTW and Xc and everyone else who took part in tanx over the years! 

TCA NightWalker
Max (Oh this little rascal! I kind of him miss him surprisingly, hope he's matured a little lol)

Wayyy too many names to even mention honestly and i'm about to board a train, be nice get back on just for old times sake.

FTW_Shadow aka Tricky™
Sammy!!!!! I am assuming you meant me and not that other Nathan guy...none of the less hope life is treating you well bro...I honestly can't remember last time I play this game or even check the forum's took a lot of digging to find this name...take care of yourself!!!
Good to hear from you Sam. Think the last time was when we played flats near Xmas like 5 years ago lol. 

Not sure if it's possible to get on a browser here anymore in W7, been using W10 for years and only IE11 works for me. 

Download Discord and send me a friend request @ Jeff#4305
Might be able to help you and it'd be good to catch up, been a long time brother.

Il throw you an email soon @Your old N1luva addy, if you still have access to it. I see what you did with Acid, i'm sure he'l like that..LOL.

Nathan? oh dam..haven't seen you in a long time..sheesh.
I know we weren't exactly on the best of terms the last time we spoke but i hope you're well. Some hilarious memories on this game from when i first played with you & Charlotte and of course Sara. Hope you and them are all doing well brother, best wishes.

Internet Explorer 11 is nice but ive no idea where i can download it, i always end up using Maxthon and for some reason it doesnt work for anyone but it works for me so i admit im being lucky for that :o

Sam is a good person and he did a great job in the past and id like to let him know we are on steam and if all the Ftws can come back from the 00s i honestly cant be more excited.

I dont see your steam account anymore in my friends list (the 2nd one) so i try to join Discord and Skype and ill hope ill cya my friend which i know for a decade :) :p

FTW is the successfullest clan in history of Tanx with 29 Month Wins and no one can take that away from us, I only try to say, Ftw is the clan you liked and youll be a part of and i think that especially in 2019/20 Having a par with UBR is something Jeff realised as i may say? FTW Sentinel and FTW Danny won the last 3 Months for FTW which are both nicks asociated with UBR and i only ask your will in understandance to see that the FTW-UBR generation have to offer compared to the FTW-XC generation :) 
I wanna know more from you in the future and i know youve been a bizy life but you can be a motivation for me to make UBR members get that little more goodwill for the wins :) 

Take care and have a good fancy life.
Glad to see some of you still check out the forums didn't expect anyone to reply back to be honest.

@Nathan I meant the other nathan! but how are you doing though? Only messing with yahh, of course I meant you. There's only 1 nathan in my life and that's you! Hope you're still playing football, be nice to catch up. I know what you mean about digging up names lol, literally the only name I have left, the rest got banned when I hit 1k rating years back, ughh man, good times! #SoWorth

@Jeffy My boyyyyy! The one and only guy to hold it down on tanx for so long. And kept the FTW legacy going. We defo need to catch up man, i'll make the a discord and add you.

@UBR-Anticipate Respect bro! I'm not sure what your old names were, I don't really recognize any of the newer names anymore but it seems like UBR are still going to strong and i'm happy to hear to that.

Tanx was essentially my childhood at one point. I would literally run home from school to play tanx and rinse and repeat it the next day lol. I'm actually down for coming back for abit, I've tried almost every browser I can think of to run tanx browser sadly to no avail.
Omg Sam wow finally one of the legends from the past on forum I had to find my old nick to log on for 30 mins lol

U were one of the best in tanx respect  man

Good to see u around bro I also can not log on anymore stupid broswer system they have now...

It would be cool if we can arrange some meet up of old players on tanx.

Yeah mate..i know, it's been a LONG time. I'm not active at all now, barely have been over recent years. Comeback now & again sub and play like twice in that sub then im gone for a while as there's nobody to play bud.

Still remember our final days playing 2v2 vs UAG where me & you won by 12 or 13 kills vs tornado & Brandon after they called us out while we were playing a flats game. Still remember how effortlessly we out shined them as a team, and Eli, Ben, Jean, Kobe spectating on those POSER nicks we had at the time for laughs all laughing so hard at how easy we made it look. Fml..i miss those days dude. When me you & Eli legit just man handled everyone in 2v2 & 3v3s, those were fun days. After that it was literally the end of the game for us as competitors.

Yeah sure Brandy joined Sft with Zeus/Jean/Hungarians we smoked them badly..then they made GOW (Gods of War) When Brandy had his KRATOS nick, Jean had ESUS and Zeus had a ZEUS nick and we smoked them too. Legit made them all quit the game. That was the last time there was any form of competition in-game and that's going back to late 2012 early 2013 at the latest now although i'm sure you remember, you whooped them with me a few times back when Nuc was using that Rookie nick. 

Still remember the banter from Tevez ditching us to join UAG because UAG wasn't a challenge without him rofl, then he came back when me & eli kept owning him & torn/brandy in 2v2s. That was hilarious days fam, still miss it so much. Wish it lasted longer, maybe if i had been more easy on Brandon the dude wouldn't have rage quit the game every single time he tried to make a clan to take FTW out LMFAO. Gotta give em credit though..he did try for so many years, he was way over-hyped though. felt like i was playing Model Player in 2013 instead of Razor..no joke, he lost it completely.

Since then iv barely been around, sometimes i comeback and play with Grave like once or twice a year as were still in touch but that's about it. Id only play right now if you got on for some games. 

You, Nitro, Jason the GOAT TALI, legit made this game fun for me in flats, all those long dam games..so many hours i spent playing you four, il never forget the banter either. Had such a great laugh. Still miss Wolf & Clay, those guys were a proper laugh.

That's not the real Brandon either btw, he didn't mention his 5 thousand imaginary tournament wins, can't be him.

Anyway, hit me up on discord anytime and we can talk bro, safe.
My man, its been too long! We definitely need to catch up. See you around bruv.
Jeff you're like a tanx history book lmao glad you reminded of those memories haha good ole zeus aka tevez and his midlife crisis lol

I thought xs raiden was luis? well much love to the real razor or luis, both of you get in touch with me!

It's nice to see people still lurk/use the forum though,  and for those who do use it and didn't post in my thread, SHAME ON ALL OF YOU!

Add me on discord Jeff and anyone else who wants to get in touch, the user is "Savage#3866"
@ßøøşŧ ßōşş Any old names I may know you by?
Yeah i pretty much am, i remember everything from when i started 11 years ago lol.
Yeah man tevez, the sheers and the chainsaw..lmfao.
Sent you friend req on discord, you'l have to go to friends - pending and accept before it shows me on your list btw.
Anyone here wanna make a discord group so we can spwn in? 
:) Lets gonna make Tanx allittle livier in 2020.
Max is nowdays Mr European Man rsrsrs
I need someone to play with :( :p 
much giggles
Hiya Nathan! It's your old pal brooklyn from four in a row long time no see :O , hiya jeff good to see you around aswell,hope all is well :)
Haha Brook, can't believe you're still on here. Best wishes man, hope you're well, have a good Christmas & New Year ;)
Feel free to login Nathan,

@Undisputed: your been good with old players, Wanna create A flyordie tanx discord server for us? :)
wow Nathe is dat u??? the same 1 that got Tina to hate me forever???? lol oh well that's in the past now. no grudges hold. Nice to see ur alive bud!!! what u been up to? hope Vik didn't send his train monkey thief in India to steal ur LGBT cap!!!! lol and Sam-antha. I have kids now so yeah im mature now. Having kids really made me grow up. :) Hope u doing well. P.S according to Danny FTW lost to UBR clan battles dozens of time when you left...i heard it was UBR_MAGO,UBR_VIk and UBR_Sentinel vs FTW_Werrior,FTW_MawnLower (Luis) and FTW_DerJuden. heard they lost 10/4 to UBR tsk tsk :$
The clanwar never started and suprisely contains no diffrent if who was going to win.

The fact the clanwar excisted was a big loss for both because UBR never ment to destroy FTW because were allies since 2010 when Jeff and Ryan thought us how to rankup easily in Tanx so we could get Kings 709, Sentinel had like 650 and DI3HARD 500 but we got spooked sadly, i wasnt even online when it happened, worse. My dad got banned for cheating but he was a noob and he actually tried to beat us with his Henk1964 name which will always be remembered.

Cheers Sam for the memories and accepting us around that time, Your a wise man now man take care of yourself and life will salute you in all its possible ways. Respect.
Im back FTW ready for some redominance. Blood get yourself ready.
Sam get back on the game and give me some old duels in Flats like the old days man.

Only yourself, Nitro, Trainor & Azteca really matched up for me in this mode and I honestly miss playing you lot a lot. I get it, yall got kids..and moved on but I know you still check the forums and what not.

I ain't quitting either despite the game being ''dead''. I will always be around so don't be shy. Come back for a laugh.