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King Tornado won just 72 tournaments??
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King Tornado won just 72 tournaments??
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King Tornado won just 72 tournaments??
I saw on his info he won 101 tournaments but on Overal Medal Table it says he won 72, Check it please sí.
Its fixed now nice job to the website owners!
Tornado won the most months, most tournies and leader of UAG one of my favorite clans in history in Tanx and should always be remembered in fod.
Those Tournaments mean nothing. He won them against people who don't even play TANX, helpeless players from billiards and board games who can't even accumulate a single kill on him.

Not one of those Tournament wins was deserved nor does it mean anything.

He could win 500 and it would mean nothing because this game is dead and has been since 2011. So no, praise is not given unless earned and he didn't earn anything except a Ban for banking on players who can't even shoot back for over 100 Tournaments. If TCA NightWalker had been active throughout those Tournaments then it's more than likely Tornado would have been banned a long time before accumulating that amount of wins.

Tornado is known for the following:
Banking, Nickhiding, Account Sharing and Hunting high ranked players on hider accounts to lower their rating because he couldn't maintain his own banked points against them in a One on One situation. Back in 2010 Tornado use to team against me with 2-3 other members of his Clan and still struggle to maintain his rank against me.

In 1v1 I can admit Tornado was quite formiddable, in clan battles especially. However at the end of the day, when it came down to it. Every time i logged in to compete in one of these Tournaments..Tornado just logged out and avoided me completely. The one time he did play against me was where this screenshot emerged from, him asking me to lose to him on purpose. That moment right there is when I lost all my respect for him as a competitor. 

If he ever reads this message and responds to it, I will gladly make an entrance in-game and dismantle him like I have done for over a decade as I do not tolerate banking nor do I lose to them, period.

In future, when you wish to heap praise on a banker, do it on other nicknames, do NOT use my clans legendary respected tag ''FTW'' in such nicknames. You may be young still Danny, but you know as well as I do what you're doing is just self humiliation. Stop it and act normal. It doesn't take a genious to figure out that all of these posts getting bumped, all of these conversations are made up by you on serveral accounts. You even faked being Brandon to get my attention for crying out loud..that's low even for you dude.

 It is so sad that the game has died. Last time, god knows how many years ago, it was the most populated game with tons of players and clans. I wonder what has happened since then.
The game was heavily neglected. We wanted updates for years, all we got were new emoticons, some glitches that were terrible and more server lag.

Some people abused their power on here back in 2009-2011 (Former Moderators.. who were bankers before becoming moderators, two to be exact). Not naming them as it's pointless now.

I kept hte game going for years by remaining active..subbed..and i always called old players out to bring them back to keep the game going. Eventually that stopped working and everyone finally quit, literally.

i can't remember the last time I actually had a duel on here. Which is just truly sad, those who knew me here knew i was always playing so many opponents all the time more so than any. Now it's impossible to even find one.

I played for what..12 years I guess? Think i played long enough..did what I could and i have a lot of good memories.

Game is history now sadly..nothing we can do about it, just have to accept it.

I just concerned someone is fooling with the statistics and its been fixed, hardly like him winning so many tournaments but it should be used to compete instead of disclaim by denials. Ofcourse i want FTW to beat them when they get the shot but its not a reason to abuse past results and i know whos behind it and i prey it wont happen again.
The statistics cant be permenently fixed Sent' only temporary, profiles show the truth which we trust.
The saddest part is that due my residence i cannot even win month and police will beat month record for a single individual, says a lot about the current games state.
King Tornado has the best overall record in Tanx right now:
101 first place finishes, and 6 second place finishes.

Police has 2nd best overall record in Tanx right now:
82 first place finishes, 93 second place finishes, and 64 third place finishes.

I remember, though, lionceau had the best overall record once, while King Tornado was climbing up to lionceau's record. Then one tournament King Tornado beat lionceau's overall record. I was there in that tournament when it happened. Then King Tornado kept climbing up and is now at 101 first place finishes. I have not seen King Tornado here for a few years. Do not know what happened to King Tornado. I only saw lionceau in a few tournaments when I was doing tournaments, and lionceau has been gone from the tournaments as long as, or even longer than King Tornado.

STRANGE: I wonder why lionceau is not on the best overall list anymore. If lionceau was still on the overall list, they would be in third place after police. Or maybe in second place, and police would be in third. Why is lionceau not on that best overall list? Maybe they told a moderator they want their nick not in any Tanx lists anymore? Or maybe they were caught cheating? Or maybe it is a system error that wiped lionceau out of the overall best list, and has not been noticed by any moderator yet?

I only found out about half a year ago (through this very Tanx forum) that lionceau was actually a female (if the person(s) telling me that are actually saying the truth). Before this, I always thought lionceau was a male.

Thanks for noticing lionceau is properly 3th best tourney players in Tanx history, sadly the nickname is being banned and that's not specifically because of rule-breaking but because the nickname got stolen after the tournament wins and she couldn't login anymore, same happened to UBR Szabina who i teaches how to play good, got stolen and instead of getting a verify system to get your own nickname back in use that's why a Ban for Stolen account is completely useless for the owner of the nickname and it pests me and deludes the usage of a nickname in FOD.

Tc, former 2002 Tanx player.
lionceau got removed because he got banned.
That account was shared by like 5 players..
Thanks for the info FTW Undisputed about the lionceau account being banned because multiple players used it (don't know if it is true or not, but something I can take as possibly true).
Mr Frank Drebin,

for some reason I did not see your reply until today -- maybe I skipped it, not seeing it.

You say she -- lionceau -- got her account stolen so all her tournament wins are invalid. That may be true. If true, sad.

Now that could be the reason FTW Undisputed said the account was used by multiple players -- after her account was stolen, others played with the account. This would be -- like already said above -- sad, because she did not intentionally share her account with other players.

If she -- as another possibility -- intentionally shared her account with just one other player, and then more players somehow played with her account without her allowing it, it would have been a stupid thing she did to have even shared with just that one person in the beginning. This is a little sad still that her account got banned.

Or, instead, her account never got stolen, and she shared this account with all those other players. This would not be sad that her account got banned.
lionceau was theft by a girl called Victoria98 back in 2017 and got banned for Stolen Account.
Thanks for the info.
