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How do you get a demerit point?
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How do you get a demerit point?
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How do you get a demerit point?
I saw someone recently with a demerit point, and I'm just curious how that happens?  How long does it stay?
this usually happens when the player has insulted!
The moderator that issues the demerit will choose how long it will last for. In my case i had one for 1 month because i don't think that mod likes me too much :D 
Demerits are given for breaking rules.
Demerits are also issued for very little, like Hurry Hard constantly abusing people & getting away with it, 1 night I got a lot of abuse from it so I replied with “STFU” & I got a demerit & nothing happened to them. Been abused several times since yet they still get away with it. Its who you know it would seem.
they always get the retaliation,,,i could write you a trilogy on said subject :p
Wullie! I just can't imagine you getting a demerit. Whats the world coming to.
I dont know. My behaviour is always flawless. Ask Mike Oxwollen or Mike Hunt. 
Mike Oxlong said your a bassa though.