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Misleading nasty copy cat Nicknames!
Misleading nasty copy cat Nicknames!
Misleading nasty copy cat Nicknames!
"Contessa." Is too close to me Not fair at all, & I Know ONLY the harasser, angry & jealous female people or hateful guys want revenge or hate Jewish people or Women that are strong have this nastiness it is an INJUSTICE! 
When someone Copied Lady-In-Red's being Lady_In_Red and my her, picture, you Mods did ban her within the week! Please, I get enough bull crap and hardship to deal with and have had to increase my Reesntement list in my prayers! Nuff is Enough, yes? Yes, Please!!! Show mercy, compassion, loyalty, respect, they just made it today June 12, 2020. Mine is from 2008! Seems I may have seniority, yes? Yes, please. I can deal with it as usual if you will not help! But, dear Operator, and moderators, why must I and Must all my friends, use it to laugh at, and mean one's try to hurt me further!?!
God bless and thanks a lot!
Love, Judy
There is a report abuse and a 'contact us' for a reason so you should use that instead of posting on the forum everytime this happens :D 
Hello! I must urge You to take Contessa’s words seriously. You must realize that without her presence the Othello-part of ”fightorfly” will undoubtly vanish within a month or two. Judy is the one that makes this playingsite worth visiting from a human and  social point of view. She had sa unique experience of this game. I know her for many years. I have never played Othello professionally but I know from those who are that she is immensely appreciated;) To distort another persons nicks is a and cruel. A calculated evil deed. It could be the tragic end of  Othello/ Riversi. Playok has the advantage that its more tricky to cheat there, but the site is dreary and without any social forum. No natural interconnections. I dont know how to handle the situation that has occured. But its a real mess. The presence of a moderator/syssop is necessary for a start!
oh relax its just a gane on the internet. If your life is so affected maybe log off and get real life activities. Just a thought 
Thanks, mannehund1!

"What can I say except for thanks!" Shakespeare.

Seriously, I read this just before ending the internet day. You surely are a tried, true-blue friend and for many, many years!!

We appreciate you a lot on FOD-Othello! You're brilliant, funny, speak a few languages, always help the underdogs, you are compassionate, brave and one of the finest men friends I have ever known!

Laughing, I also happened to catch the reply of that New nick player. Something like, it's a game and the internet, etc. & blah-de-blahs~*

Nay, nay, Othello, and He People are quite real! I have met a couple of hundred in the US and overseas many a time!

We in FOD_Othello, some of us, like mannehund1 are now standing together, to help rid it of online catfish, hackers, mean, cruel angry, sad, mentally ill, lonely souls and very jealous women and men, kids and all. 

I am proud of our efforts, whether o, not they work, or will last, the bottom line is we care enough to stick our necks out and try!!

Thank goodness we have Thor van Midgard and other cool Moderators to help!!

They created this Forum for all of us!

In so far as that new nicknamed player tried to diss you, it only shows his-her real character. A pity!

Lastly, during this pandemic, This IS a safe, sound, beautiful place to be! With real-life friends and family and Other Othello players, in all the games!!

Let the wannabe noticed people rant, rave, complain, whine what have you!

Guess some have nuttin' better to do than to put down others.

God bless them!

God bless us all! Stay strong and safe! Peace be with you!


Just Judy*

Posted by a newly made nickname,dis-a-poes."

 oh relax its just a gane on the internet. If your life is so affected maybe log off and get real life activities. Just a thought."

See Reply to mannehund1!

Lol, dis-a-poes <<<<---what the heck? Hm, let me see,

You are into disposing, and of who or what? Sheesh.

Or maybe u mean dissing as a posey!?!

Either way, be kind, respectful, at the very least polite, please!

What on earth was ur point to make a nasty Reply; like that?

If it is for attention anyway u can get it, You got it!

Peace&love Forever)))*. :p.

õ, Hiya,

1) Are you a MOD?

2) If not, why would you need to feel you must correct me?
The MODs and Operater created this as a *forum* to communicate. Personally, I like reading new posts from whomever. 
 3) Lately and on and off before recent times, the Report Abuse buttons not only do not work always work. but, in my case, it got me in needless trouble! They also seem often to work for some nicknames yet not others simultaneously.

Um, I did attempt this!

It can also be reported via the FAQ page. As you may know. Methinks I'll stick to being myself, doing what 4 me comes naturally, regardless of what anyone thinks of it.

I hope õ that you and yours ate healthy and happy.

God bless ya.

Just Judy*

õ, Hiya,

1) Are you a MOD?

2) If not, why would you need to feel you must correct me?
The MODs and Operater created this as a *forum* to communicate. Personally, I like reading new posts from whomever. 
 3) Lately and on and off before recent times, the Report Abuse buttons not only do not work always work. but, in my case, it got me in needless trouble! They also seem often to work for some nicknames yet not others simultaneously.

Um, I did attempt this!

It can also be reported via the FAQ page. As you may know. Methinks I'll stick to being myself, doing what 4 me comes naturally, regardless of what anyone thinks of it.

I hope õ that you and yours ate healthy and happy.

God bless ya.

Just Judy*