Dear friends:
I would like to say a few words about the 3-move checkers option.
This type of checkers is known to be widespread in contemporary official competitions. In the United States, 3-move checkers tournaments greatly outnumber GAYP ones, as the former are more spectacular and less predictable.
However, all this concerns mostly professional offline checkers. When it comes to online games, the most important factor here is the total number of participants (site visitors), not their checkers skills level.
On this website, most of the games provided are primarily aimed at satisfying the desires, tastes, and needs of the average user. That is why the addition of new “non-ordinary” checkers options to the existing ones causes distrust of both the majority of online users and those who run this website.
The statistics of 3-move games on other gaming sites inexorably shows us their low popularity among the majority of users due to the high difficulty of 3-move games.
However, as an experiment, adding 3-move games could significantly expand the range of gaming services this site provides to its users.
Besides, 3-move checkers are traditionally in high demand among professional players, who are a kind of locomotive for checkers, despite their small number. I think that any contemporary gaming portal should focus not only on the present day, but also look into the future.
3-move online checkers games are certain to become as popular as GAYP ones if they are actively promoted and popularized among both online users and offline players.
In my opinion, the first step on this difficult path should be the allocation of a separate room for 3-move checkers games in trial mode. This is a technically easy task the solution to which depends primarily on the wishes of those who run this site.
The near future will show whether this step is right. The site does not lose anything, anyway.