Well, i've seen FOD programs being showcased on youtube in the old interface/graphics, before 2012... granted, i haven't seen one in the newer one since then, but you don't expect the cheaters (if there are any) to just out themselves, are they? What saying is, it's possible that a program exist, available to a handful of players. Neither of use can say for sure.
And sorry, but high rated player or not, you're still delusional in your response. Applying spin before aiming is easy on the close ranged guaranteed shots, sure... but i'm not talking about those. I'm talking about long difficult shots, that require a good subsequent cue ball positioning. When i see players do that and do it super fast on top of that, with almost no mistakes every time, then i start to question things. I'm not saying it's necessarily a program thing, but they're definitely doing something out of the ordinary.