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Harassers In Reversi
Harassers In Reversi
Harassers In Reversi
 Harrassment In Reversi

Hello everyone. Many of you recognize my nick I’m sure. A lot of you may also remember my posts on an old forum by Passion about cyber bullying. On that post I laid out some of the things that go on in this place but I did not mention names. I’m ready to do that now after having seen some recent bullying posts where people’s nicks 
were named. So here goes. I started here about five years ago and so did a lady who is very special to me, kygirl. One day kygirl and I played and we have been together ever since. But, the very same day we met, the harassment started. And it was by three very well known people here, two women and one man. And we are not the 
only ones they harassed, they did with reversime (Amber) as well and of course with Passion, ergo why she wrote the forum. 

Ok, the infamous three. It all started with missblond, she’s the ring leader. For some reason, which I can only presume may have been that she has been catfished on dating sites, she has brought that bile to reversi. She knows nothing about Kelly nor I but for some reason she decided to call Kelly a catfish in the lobby, to her friends Judy or LadyInRed and AlexPl. And they all had a ball with it. They all said she was a flirt who went from man to man and then it got worse, then it became stalking by missblond and AlexPl. 

Someone told miss that Kelly has Mondays off when the salon closes for cleaning. Miss did a quick google search and discovered a salon in Kentucky that was closed Mondays. It listed the girls who worked at 
the salon with photos. There was noone named Kelly so she said in the lobby to her friends that there was an ugly fat girl there so that had to be Kelly. Then, miss and Alex actually wrote into the comment section 
at the salon. Miss, who lives on a different continent, wrote that Kelly did a great job on her hair and she really loved it. Then she said didn’t she do a great job Alex. Alex then wrote in as well. Kelly did a great
job on your hair Isa. She is good at her job. Obviously they never got a reply because Kelly does not work there, not even in the right city. I do wonder if miss knows that Kentucky is a state not a city. If she had done a more comprehensive search she would have found that many salons in Kentucky close Mondays for cleaning. The big salons, the ones that are franchised, are open six days a week to make as much money as possible
but many smaller, privately owned, one location salons still work five days only and so work the Saturdays when people are off work to make the most money and close the less busy Mondays. So for no good reason miss stalked and assaulted Kelly and got her two friends to spread the word. Is that not just a bit ridiculous if not criminal? We have never caused any of them any harm nor anyone else. We don’t care about any of them nor anyone else in the least so why are they so preoccupied with us? 

So now let’s get to where this whole thing became sick and sinister. One day, AlexPl, under his old nick NiceGuy, came into our game and tried to be friendly with Kelly. I told Kelly, this is the guy who helped miss to call you a catfish, who even wrote in to that site. Since then, Alex went on a mission to assault me, to Kelly. He did everything he could to try to scare Kelly off, to chase her away and make her leave me. She basically laughed at him and told him it wasn’t going to happen so he turned up his vile attack by coming into our games and saying disgusting filthy things to her. Trying to hurt her because he didn’t have the guts or the brains to fight it out with me. When I wasn’t here, he terrorized Kelly. He would rush into her game and say something sick, then rush out and rush back in with another nick and do the same thing over and over as long as she was there. Luckily Kelly and I both know he doesn’t have to be there to report him. As long as he said anything in her game she could click on his name, on that comment, and report him. He made and lost five nicks thanks to Kelly and one other lady who reported NiceGuy. I saw him tell reversime in the lobby that NiceGuy got permanently banned for saying something rude to a woman. Kelly got these nicks banned .... sad_soul, 
little_bird, mad_mac, ChrisWalker and Monica32. All AlexPl’s nicks. He said the exact same thing every time with all these nicks. Sick perverse things that he merely spelled slightly different so he wouldn’t get censored.

And Judy helped him as much as possible. Since I outed him in the lobby miss and Judy rushed to his aid and tried to turn the tables. It’s Chris who is harassing Alex. I had so many screen shots of the garbage he spewed. I even offered to show them to anyone who wanted to see what kind of a man he was but nobody cared in the least. Some were probably afraid to speak up lest they also be harassed. But I will admit he knew how to stir
me up as did Judy and miss so I ended up getting my share of demerits by defending Kelly, something I will always do except I’ll do it the right way now. No name calling, just the facts. And Judy, you told me you tried to get Alex banned, that you were afraid of him. Yet you ran back and told him everything we said to you, did all
you could to help him. Continued to call him doll or darling. And you said I shouldn’t judge you by who your friends are. Wrong Judy, that’s exactly how you should judge someone. By whom they choose to emulate. You are who you lie down with. You knew what kind of disgusting things Alex said to Kelly yet you encouraged him. And you know the kind of person miss is yet you defend her actions. So Judy, that says everything about who you are. And now you make waves about someone harassing you and you want our help. Do you know that Kelly really liked the old you, when she first came here and you helped to defend her from some of the perverts? And then you changed when she met me and you let missblond and Alex lead you down a dark trail. So please don’t preach about let’s all help each other until you take responsibility for the things you’ve done to others.

Oh, before I go any further. I am no saint. Prior to meeting Kelly I was at a place in my life where I didn’t really give a dang about a whole lot. I had experienced a couple of tough times and was at a point where I didn’t want to love anyone and I didn’t want anyone to love me. I just wanted to be the biggest Ahole that I could be and to heck with anyone. Just fun and games.
And yes I did my share of heavy flirting. Then I met Kelly and we hit it off from day one. She made me remember that I did want to care about someone and it felt good to have someone care about me. I told Kelly about my past and like an adult, who also saw the good in me, she said Chris that was your  past. I care about who you are now and from this day forward. So that’s who
I have been and who I am now but know this, I would never try to hurt any living soul for no reason at all. I, like Kelly, was raised to respect people, to show common courtesy until someone gives us a reason not to. Missblond, for whatever reason thinks it’s acceptable to attack and spreads lies about someone she doesn’t even know and you play along, then you expect us to be your friend and to stand up for you now. Judy, had you and your friends not done the things you have then both I and Kelly would defend you without question. 

Oh, now that you know who I am, you need to know who Kelly is. Firstly, for everyone’s information, Kelly is one of the most honourable, respectful and well respected ladies it has ever been my great pleasure to know. She is, in every sense a lady, a true lady with morals and values. She believes in god and in the goodness in people. Unfortunately she has now been exposed to people of much lower values but as long as I have a say I will defend her and her honour for all to see. If you disrespect us, you will hear from me.

So folks, there is a whole lot more that I can tell you about these three but let’s wait and see where they go with it. I’m quite ready to defend every last statement and I have much much more to say. Have a nice day
Hello HappyMealLover❤️,

I have read and reread your post, which is very explicit on the subject you are presenting and I can tell you that you are not alone in knowing this kind of problem.
Why ?
I believe that this site is a gaming site with well-developed rules and which first of all advises you not to divulge any information about your identity and your private life.
Namely that illegal behavior on the city is to be prohibited. It is advisable to go to the appropriate sites for this kind of attitude. This never brings anything positive to an online gambling site.

In short, "Flyordie" is not a branch of "Meetic" and the kind of subject you raise clearly demonstrates the disturbance engendered by its behavior which gives rise to jealousy, harassment, disturbing discussions on chat rooms and I past .
Yes there are perverts of all kinds on online sites and it is up to the players to self-control by not falling into their games and directly denounce the harassment and the messages with sexual or other consonance towards the moderation which will follow after having done the necessary for these people.

But please we must stop this kind of attitude on the site, this is what prompts the behaviors cited above.

Good continuation and good room,

Catsgirls (Audreylia Lambrecht) 
Thank you catsgirls, I appreciate your input. So sad, isn't it that we can't all just get along? And you are so right about not divulging any personal information because there are predators who will take advantage of it and try to use it in a wrongful way. Much obliged
By the way Judy, I wrote this forum quite some time back but I was not going to post it, partly in deference to you because we have known each other even longer than I've known Kelly and also because Alex had stopped harassing us for a while. And you were trying to be friendly with us though have never admitted what you did. So we decided to try and get along with you. I figured Kelly and I would lie low and call a truce. Let sleeping dogs lie. But then he started up again a couple of months ago and we know why Judy. So I warned him that if he continued I would post a forum that he would not like. He said, who cares, do it. I said it will affect more than just you Alex, your two female friends as well and he said who cares once again. So I went to you and said please tell your friend to stop. I then said that if he continues I would post a forum that you would not like. Your response was to tell everyone in the lobby that someone was harassing you and threatening you. Talk about the kettle calling the pot black. So Judy, none of this needed to happen if not for your good buddy Alex. 
Why are you posting all of this unnecessary drama here publicly? Make a report and talk to the Moderators..the report section exists for a reason as does the DEAR MODERATORS. Use them.

Nobody wants to read all of this..
Mind your own business, that's been done before and yes people do need to know who the bad ones are on here. Nobody wants your advice
You obviously don't know what it's like to be harassed for three years. And, unfortunately, the mods can only do so much. Yes they can ban a nick but the harasser simply makes a new nick and starts all over again. You might try showing some empathy for the women who have to put up with this garbage so all one can really do is let everyone know who to steer clear of. 
Publicly naming & shaming offenders won't get you anywhere if anything..it will make you look more like a culprit than a victim of harassment. 


Fill the Moderator contact form.
Upload screenshots of harassment, detail it and report it.

That's the best way to get it dealt with. Moderators tend to act pretty quickly when you provide evidence so if you have any that would help you in this situation. 

I will refrain from posting in this discussion further as I don't wish to cause additional drama or stress. I Hope you manage to get this resolved properly.
Kind Regards.
Ok thank you, I will try to take your advice but, for the record, I sent several screen shots to Goddess some time back and yes, she followed up immediately but, once again, there is just so much they can do. She banned several nicks for us but he just kept making new ones. They, mostly he, did not leave me any other alternatives but I've had my say now and I'm quite willing to let it drop if he does. We'll see. 
Hello Chris! 
For your notice i never visit a dating site in my whole life so u dont have to assume stuff. I admit lots of what u write.  But u forgott to tell the truth. A guy playing here called Matt fell in love with the nick kygirl.  Crazy if  u ask me to fall in love online but he did.  Matt and I where friends and he stared to doubt about things with ky. He wanted to visit her or get her phone number and get a real relation.  Stupid of him i know.  He told me where she worked. She gave him the name of the salong.  So nope I didnt random Googled any salong. He did check it out and told me he could not find her name in that salong.  I do understand if ky wasnt interested in Matt but just say so then.  Easy! So yes a di did send a funny text there and day thx for a great hair cut.  Stupid..yes...criminal...nope!! I also admit that ky seems to be a nice woman even if she wants to hide who she is.There was also a man before Matt called Richard who also felt fooled by her and also was very interested in her.  So she is obviouse a nice Lady.  But Ii wont tell his story. So Chris there is always 2 sides of a story.  Truth or not.  Its a bit funny that you write this text about me since you one time long ago also contacted me in pm and said you also knew that ky lies about who she is. I know u wont admit that and its ok by me. If she dont want to tell everything about herself its totaly ok. Who does that on a game like reversi??? You know miss blond a very tiny bit. And my nic is a bit wild i admit.  I did fool around a lot.  Just as you did to mr when you where new there and used another nic and wanted to send pics of your...you know what.  But thats another story.  As I said. Its always 2 sides of a story. I admit i did send a thank u for the hair cut to that salong.is   Is that stalking?? Nja not if u ask me. And I know you will never admit that you did text me and ask about that ky lies. Its ok too.  Everyone lies sometimes.  So Chris i havent thougt of you or reversi for a very long time since im not there often anymore. Sorry that u have to care so much about me still. Very sorry for that. You can call miss blond criminal.  I can take that.  Things you wrote here about me is criminal in Sweden as far as I know.  Its called förtal. I dont know the english word but im sure you can Google it. But it was some fun stores you told about me..haha.  Google salongs in Kentucky. Miss blond never did that but Isa might try it. Please focus on some other things than me. Miss blond will leave you alone just like a did the last 3 years.  Maybe you are bored in theese corona times and use revesi and me to get rid of frustration. Sorry for such a long text.  It was a player from reversi who told me that you wrote such a lovely text about me here. Thank you for your effort and sorry for my bad english.i text from my phone.  I wont read if you answer me here so dont spend time on that.  You can call me if you have any questions. I just wanted to say why me and Matt did a quick check up on ky. He was soooo crazy about her. Please relax and enjoy life more. Bye. Take care.  Im off to Google Kentucky stuff....and go  on dating sites...hahahaha NOT!
Ops! I post it and saw my text.  Hope you get it. Many miss prints. I text from my phone with fat fingers and no auto corrtect. Bye from Isa and miss blond but she is not here now.  She is out surfing on the net for a hair cut.  Thank God its not monday. Love you all 
Hello ,

To put an end to this subject which could cast doubt on the effectiveness of sanctions and interventions made by moderation. Knowing that the latter follow "the rules of moderation" in the strictest impartiality. Also knowing that the site itself puts at your disposal all the necessary applications so that you can have the satisfaction of full enjoyment of the games and your peace of mind.
I advise you to take note of the link which relates to your country, and thus you will be able to take note of the rights which are granted to you to forward your complaint for aggravated harassment on the Web. 

En France   ;  

En Belgique ; 

Bonne salle et bon amusement sur "Flyordie".

Catsgirls ( Audreylia Lambrecht )
Wrong miss. Matt was a very immature young man who imagined things that were not true. Kelly played Matt and talked to him mostly about the bible because he was studying to become a preacher. There was never any more interest than that. He started to pressure her about moving down there and going to college near her so she gave him some false information to keep him at bay, nothing more than that. And Richard was also nothing more than a friend she played and talked to like we all do here. You took things way too far. And yes, stalking someone online is criminal miss so don't try to smooth over what you did. And then you recruited Alex to do your dirty work. And if he truly is a lawyer as he purports himself to be, he should know that what he did could get him disbarred. 
Chris! As I told you its always 2 sides of a story. I know what Matt and Richard told me and you know what ky told you.  I belive in the guys and you belive in ky . Its as simple as that.  So lets not go there. And im not a stalker.  Google the word.  I dont follow ky. I havent seen her on reversi for years. And yes I sent a massage to a salong in kentucky but since she didnt work there how can it then be stalking???i admit I maked fun of her a couple of years ago but that is far from stalking someone. I havent talked or seen none of you for long And I will keep it that way. If u feel like calling me a criminal it only makes you look stupid. So no im not a criminal. Should I make it the other way around And report you for harrass me now and assume things about me that you have no idea about??? No I wont 
 I have a Life And you are not a part of it.  So just stop be a home made police and act like man. Bye. And remember a story always have 2 sides And I belive in my friends and you belive what your friend told you.  Bye . 
my goodness if you feel bullied by anonymous nicknames, you better get some help man. this has nothing to do with cyberbullying. Cyberbullying happens on social media where people bully you on your real name/picture or whatever. that's nasty and I hate when people do that, but here?????? this is just an online game. How on earth can you feel bullied by random nicknames you don't even know personally. Just turn off your pc for a while and get yourself together mate.
Best answer i ever seem. I agree. I saw this answer late...haha.  maybe because revesi is not my whole life.
* seen. Still text to fast and spell bad...hahahaha
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