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8 Ball League
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8 Ball League
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8 Ball League
Dear All,

Everyone is invited to participate in 8Ball League.

There will be 1st and 2nd League divisions where at least a minimum of 10 players on each.

If you are interested, comment your nickname and country to count you in.

The selection of players will be based on their oldtime and ranking in 8 ball overall standings.

We will select both 1st and 2nd league players later when we get enough participants.

a link will be displayed to follow up the schedulled matches and leagues rankings.

Best regards,
Tнє KιŁŁєя fran★ me anoto para el torneo desde argentina
Im in ↨Mคтєยร Sтøqยє↨ - Brazil
je suis de France pseudo ☪Ľétoile
Count me in! :)


FlyOrDie Moderator Team
We are 8 participants, we need more players to start asap.

if you or anyone interested to join set you nickname and country 
 Hello my friend and all, 

 Not the required members, so note me with you. Thx.
Hi , when you still have place would be great to join: 