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No move option
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No move option
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No move option
I hate move. I dont move , players see it but they just move ball and win :S . Sometimes when i ask for no move, players just ignore it. I think players need to have "no move" option in game settings. If someone want play with move, then player need to chosse move option. Move is new rule, since in second half of 19th century on tournaments.
Blackball Pool sounds right up your street :)

I am of the same opinion as Lewis. Blackball is just the thing.


FlyOrDie Moderator Team
i also hate when players tell me its no move.... then move themselves...so now i always move and yes take up blackball pool
If you don’t want it , don’t do a fault ^^ 
Move is not about fair play or other it’s like football when you do a dault there is penalty :)