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Play chess with a dice. (or cards)
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Play chess with a dice. (or cards)
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Play chess with a dice. (or cards)
Play chess with a dice, it would be more fun, and would be less efficient.

Many players like [1 e4] or [1 d4] openings, if they would play chess with a dice, they would use other openings.

Have a happy weekend~ goodbye~
For example, i was a white player at 2022/0117.

My dice indicated my king should move during the first 3 rounds

1 e4   c5
2 ke2  nc6
3 c3   d6
4 h3   nf6
5 d3   g6
6 g3   bg7
7 bg2  0-0
8 ke1  be6
9 ne2  qc8
10ng1  qc7
11be3  qb6
12qc1  rac8
13ne2  d5
14f3   d4
15bd2  nd7
16c4   nce5
17rf1  n*d3

Black winned~
It was more fun, though i Losed~
there are users who know how to use only one type of opening, their game feels more solid, using varied openings would not be entirely appropriate. since you do not choose the way to start the game.

best regards!