@Marshmello, listen, if you don't understand what i criticize in the video, please, don't spill your nonsense here, would you?
I didn't say you're not allowed to aim your shots, or to play fast... as long as you play natural. The video above doesn't show natural play. There's a clear aim assistance there that is not caught by the video recording program.
If you're a good player, you would not make so much small adjustments like you're suffering from neurosis or something... if you're good, you will know exactly how to play the shots. A real player will apply his aim, add spin and maybe, but not always, make a small readjustment to the aim after the spin is added. Doing multiple readjustments of the spin and the aim (repeatedly) before every shot, and doing it so fast, suggests unnatural play, maybe with an aim assistance, for the following reasons:
The player aims the shot, the aim assist line points to the pocket. He adds spin, the line changes and goes out of the pocket, he readjusts the aim again, but now he's not happy with the cue ball trajectory, so he readjusts spin again for positioning and then once again, has to readjust the aim, so he doesn't miss the pot.
^A normal player can do this things too, because sometimes he might change his mind about how he wants to play a ball in the middle of applying aim and spin, but when a player does these non-stop repeated readjustments, and on top of that, does them fast and somehow pots 99% of his balls, even the trickiest ones... well, then there's clearly something wrong there.
And you might say - Well, how do these players miss shots then? Why don't they do century breaks in every game?
They have to be really stupid to expose themselves like that, are they? Of course they're not going to make it obvious. Also, you know very well that aiming assistance (at least the one in practice) is not always 100% accurate - it also depends on the power of the shot, the difficulty of the shot, and the amount of spin applied... so shots are missable even with aim assistance, but still that doesn't change the fact that 99% of them will go in.
The sign of such cheating are especially obvious in snooker on the large table, where even the smallest inaccuracy in the aiming and the spin can result in a missed shot. Yet there are players, who doesn't even take the time to look at the ball's position relative to the pocket, then do all that unnatural aiming and fixing mentioned above, and yet, almost never miss a shot. What are they? What do we have here, a bunch of O'Sullivans and Trumps? I don't think so!
And please don't bring the word "talent" in an online computer game... If you're an actual talent, you'd be competing professionally, in the real sport, you wouldn't be hanging out here in flyordie, trying to defend cheaters.