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Farewell TANX? Deleted From Game List.
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Farewell TANX? Deleted From Game List.
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Farewell TANX? Deleted From Game List.
Tanx was removed from the homepage games list on FlyOrDie.
I mean I saw it coming a long time ago but it's still a sad sight. Can still access it if you use the old URL or just google it but still I'm sure that's only a matter of time until it's shut down at this stage.

If any of you guys want a last series of matches with me for old times sake feel free to reply here and we can sort out some games. Won't likely be another chance after a while as it looks like the game might be gone soon. If they've removed it from the site as a link to login I'd guess it won't be long till it's server is gone too sadly.

So if anyone wants some games let me know asap.
Hi ftw undisputed,

I might be there for tomorrow's Tanx tourney on November 11, 2021. If you are there I will see how good you are against Princess Sophia, if they are there also.
How I play vs CommandrClown? 
I would beat him so badly he would legit go to his ''stolen email address'' of his ''stolen account'' and he would disable the nick. Then he would proceed to trick someone in chess again by making them think he will boost their rating or subscribe their account, then he would change its email, and its password and keep the account then come back here run his mouth again, blah blah, get destroyed again by yours truly and do the same again. It's literally been the same story for over 10 years with you guys. Just stop I'm legit dying laughing at this point.

Even if I was a corpse in the ground you guys still couldn't play half as good as I did nor beat the legends of this game I was fortunate enough to meet and compete against. You are irrelevant non factor bankers who steal accounts and bully people. You ain't nothing here and that's a fact.

No amount of self pouting proclaiming will ever make you guys respected. I think it's hilarious how you legit have to talk about yourself in third person on an alt account like come on LMAO!!.

You know as well as I do I would beat all of you any day of the week its why you never fight me. You hide from me, you log out when I login. It's people like you that killed this game with your lying, banking, cheating and abusive shenanigans that drove so many genuinely nice people to quitting.

If it wasn't for the simple fact FOD don't deserve my money anymore I would sub and get on right now and obliterate you guys in this pathetic excuse of a tournament you're so hyped up for.

I have a big ego but I backed it up for so many years, you guys haven't done anything but hack peoples accounts and use them to cheat in Tournaments against people who aren't even TANX players and you have the audacity to try and come into my thread and act like you're somehow relevant? Hilarious.

Irrelevant bankers, that's all you were, are and always will be. You guys choose to cheat your way to wins, I earned my wins and I did it by beating the best this game had to offer. You guys are so bad you have to bank against people from 8ball and board games to actually win a dam Tournament in TANX, a DEAD GAME LOL.

Please stop before I die of laughter man you're legitimately killing me LMAO

How you gonna try step up to the GOAT with a nickname like that when you yourself are literally talking about your other account in third person LOL!!

You guys could probably beat Ratpatrol if he's still around he's more on your level, you know the -99 op rated region of the game. Where as I, the GOAT of the Modern Era will always be your worst Nightmare and the real General of this game.

Come back to me when you guys actually know how to play this game, thanks.
Your one of the best players of all time except a few things.


Both FTW as you personally didnt won the most amount of tournaments at Tanx couldve been more imo quality and quantity both matters and you won like 14 on warrior at max in a dying game.


FTW won the most tournaments despite it was already winning alot before you came active around 2006-2008.
Stepping in when the clan was already winning is easier than bringing up a clan or make a new one and beat records.


Not to judge because either way all clans died from Tanx at some point, the clans who didnt died left the game to play other games with their original members. 


I think we can both say we got banned alot maybe more than 1k+ combined, We used to have wars from 2013 till 2017, It was hard but it was a cold war, no fights just badmouth/insulting/harrasing, Especially spreading propaganda to fellow members from both sites but i think you can see the toxicity in your comments since 2013 and i claim i did all just for self defence UBR and because either way i cared about both but we both thought it would be nice to have a fight to bring players back sadly this toxicity made me avoid playing in this war because as a player im unwinnable because like i said im a weak mentally weak player ingame.

I think the positive sides of Jeff are basicly the skill, the attention he gives and the stories he has about the game and ofcourse i saw and see him as my father figure in the game because no one else did, Thanks Mr.Jeff!

Im not active on the game anymore and i wish the GP players gl finding a way to beat the Classic clans of FOD (2003-2017) FTW, KING and UBR. as the 30th, 28th and 27th amount of Month wins, Most in History.

R0NNIE 0'SULLIV4N since 2008.
FTW vs UBR was the most toxic rivalry in Tanx history. The fact FTWs hated Sentinel so much that they convinced Jeff to plain kick him out for winning month doesnt make sense even tho id never seen one of them in more than a decade. You guys know who you are. Especially Nitro and his US budbuddies.
FTW Undisputed,

I assure you I am not CommdrCool, if you think I am.

I will be here for today's Tanx tourney, November 11, 2021.

Okay, you say you do not want to get a new sub because flyordie does not deserve your money. I can understand that.

You sure believe you are the Greatest of All Time at Tanx. That might be true. Or someone you deem from the real greats of Tanx, who does not play anymore, is instead GOAT. I would not know.

And if Princess Sophia is actually is CommandrCool, and did not cheat in the recent tourneys he has been in, then I would deem him to be great and the best at present -- if not one of the best of all time (or dare to say, even the GOAT; but you say that is impossible, right? I would not know.)

You can give some proof you are better than Princess Sophia (and that may be CommandrCool in disguise???) by winning today's tourney or a future tourney (while Tanx is still here).

Thanks, though, for the alleged history of CommandrCoool, be it true or not.

Mate just grow up and play a real game like call of duty or something, why are u still playing tanx anyway??

To FTW Undisputed
I find it hilarious how you consider yourself a GOAT despite the fact you started playing this game in 2008 when it was already dead. Most of the skillful and talented players had already left before 08. It's also amusing how you never showed up on a single tournament where King Tornado or lionceau participated. Maybe you realized that you wouldn't have a chance to win so you just didn't take a part. 

"If any of you guys want a last series of matches with me for old times sake feel free to reply here and we can sort out some games" - sorry i wouldn't waste my time on a mid-class player who wasn't here at the golden age of Tanx and barely made any achievements lately. I'm not a huge fan of Commander Cool but at this point I'd rather consider him a legend than you and i haven't even mentioned players like b9 LittleBoy Twister Dolla etc
Hiya jeff this is brooklyn :O If you remember me long time no speak. I forgot my skype password i remember we used to speak. Hope all is well with you. btw you just confirmed my suspicions with this guy . i too think he is 3rd person commandrcool xD i saw him in another topic . btw you have a discord? we can chat there.
your a tool,

This is not the only online game I play... With this nick I am anonymous and do not tell others really anything about me with this nick.
I'm genuinely trying to work out in my head how these T-BOTS from Practice Mode managed to find their way onto the forums and create account :D .

UBR Jeff you should not talk to a very honoured and legendary UBR member like Sir UBR Comandr himself or any other UBR members in a disrespectful way or i gonna kick you out of UBR again then u'd beg us to make you join UBR like you did in 2014 also as if i remember very well UBR Kalman beat you 10-7 in UBR duel championship so yes
UBR community is based on love and respect towards each other and other members that makes our community the longest living tanx clan ever and one of the biggest clan of FOD history

Peace and love tc everyone, Vivek Sharma
I will be your team mate in a potential 2v2 :)
"your a tool"

Tanx is the best game in fod mate, just leave yourself when you aint think its good ;)
''Mate just grow up and play a real game like call of duty or something, why are u still playing tanx anyway??''

Lmao you say this yet look at your nickname. Made specifically to run your mouth here on the forums.

I have a game we can play. it's called Maketh The Noobeth Yer Tool.

How it works : You login room 1 and I slap you around and make you my tool.

yo jeff idk if you saw my above message idk why it takes so long to be posted on here. ;/
I read all the new posts of Jeff and anyone else who posted.

@Brooklyn Jeffy#8908 hmu anytime bud.


If you like to revibe FTW feel free to be part of us again, Im trying my best to be active :p

Have a nice day anyone.

King Von/tanx tourneys

Come back to the forums when you a actually know how to play this game ty lmao