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is Marko the greatest of all time?
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is Marko the greatest of all time?
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is Marko the greatest of all time?
Marko is the only player I've ever seen aim perfect with full side spin, back spin and cue pulled back. most top players have to aim before adding this kind of spin as it makes aiming 100 times harder.

So we should all congratulate Marko on this skill And respect him for being so good he is making aiming a lot harder for himself for a challenge.
lol yeah marko is a GREAT player no doubt about it. i've seen marko take some opponents to skool. he is a class player but probably not the best.. there are much better players like "The Smiths" ive seen him on a pwn streak multiple times. high five
Just a DDOS haxor using path. How less he logs in the better.
Yes, he is the greatest of all time hands down.
lmao sure am. the lord savior jesus christ some may say lmao 🤣😂🙏👀
who marko?😡
Some fool that talks to himself over multiple nicks on the forum.
hey marty dont put your nose in to conversatons that dont concern you. you might have nothing better to do then to sit on forums sulking and harrassing people all day and thats fine just dont bring it in to here or around me. i have more important things to do. u will find that i wont be sitting here talking back and forth with you. so dont waste your time go and find somebody else to take your temper tantrum on as ive said all thats needed to be said to you. full stop end of conversation.
Wannabe hacker mark discovered what a vpn is last week. Sorry the truth hurts handsome.
behave martin hogan... your being out of line.. "the bark is worse then the bite" is a term used amongst many university lecturers
Please stop bumping your gums Mark. Your making a show of yourself. The only thing you know about university is that your not allowed within 300 yards.
Hi Detective who are you then? You win everything in a short notice? Old member? Greetings Befair
Short answer? Yes.

Long answer? Without a doubt.