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Imagine there was an option for users to purchase an "OLDTIMER SCORE BOOST", an option where your OLDTIMER SCORE increases at twice the rate that it normally would.

Hear me out...

You could purchase either 1, 2, 3 , 4hrs etc etc BOOST, so, when playing online, all OLDTIMER score generated in the duration purchased will double.

This would garner some extra income for FOD, and, it will also allow users who like the dots on dice to increate at a greater rate.

one question   whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
>one question whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Reasons for given above..

"This would garner some extra income for FOD, and, it will also allow users who like the dots on dice to increate at a greater rate."
The idea is good.. kind of resembles a double xp weekend in CallOfDuty.

However, I think that the dice should reflect the age and experience of a user and cannot be bought.

But you could give an option against payment that you can customize the cue, change the environment or change the cloth color. Many users have already suggested this.

If you look at the last few years in business and also in games, you can see that digital content is becoming more and more valuable. (NFTs, skins etc)

Coming back to your idea, one option would be to buy a "pass" for a certain period of time, which gives you more points for a win.

From a technical point of view it's all pretty hard, but it would definitely be worth it for FlyOrDie.


FlyOrDie Moderator Team
Hello iSpy.

Sounds good idea to purchase different time of that boost, like a pass. Double xp increase on dice by a win , lose or draw,logging in everyday, tournaments . 

Also i suggest Allow to choose, turn on or turn off double xp in page login  , while you are offline double exp time don't count. 

I agree by choosing how many hours you like boost double exp in purchase option " price must be different"
>The idea is good.. kind of resembles a double xp weekend in CallOfDuty.

Exactly like that :D

>>From a technical point of view it's all pretty hard, but it would definitely be worth it for FlyOrDie.

I'm sure it can be worked around, the "oldtimer score" is a system managed by FOD so I'm sure the formula can be amended somehow, especially if it would equate to more revenue ;)