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Picture to non subscriber. 
Posted in 
Picture to non subscriber. 
Posted in 
Picture to non subscriber. 
Hello Everyone.

now all non subscriber, can choose a picture to profile. 

You can choose it by using Login Page - My Profile - Edit profile - Choose File !

have fun everyone.
We've lowered the minimum required dots to have profile pictures from 7 to 5 dots. 
Bonsoir Married Player,
you can change that picture, too. ( If you knew this already - sorry)

Many thanks for the Reply ^ 5 :) 
 Thanks FlyOrDie ! Köszönjük Fejlesztő csapat FlyOrDie!  
Can you still Add a picture if you are a Non Subscriber or has this now stoped 
Hello, _o_O_O_o_.


As i see, it only works for high dice" above 7". 
Hello _o_O_O_o_ ,
I believe that it's no longer possible. I created a new account - this account - and wasn't able to put up a picture - the feature was not there to do so. -  (now I subscribed again, but not because of the picture ) 

Kind Regards
Jones (former "Forgetful Jones")
Picture should be for 2+ dices also. tbh.
The game are won for me but conexion failed and has been eliminated
Hi Blood, 
Thanks for the explanation of the picture. I signed in today and it was there, I was wondering how it got there since I didn't put it up..


Kind Regards
