As you can see, the forum has been updated. Enhancements compared to the previous version: - replies can be viewed in threaded view, like Reddit - upvote, downvote, reactions - on the main page it shows new topics from all interested categories, no need to click on category links every time - replies can be sorted by vote count - additional topics are loaded on-demand on scrolling - showing profile pictures, permissions and dot count of players - posts are displayed without pre-approval if the author has at least 5 dots - abuse report - mobile layout - latest posts of a player are shown in the player information page Some additional notes: - The language selector works differently than before. Topics now have both a 'category' and a 'language', so languages aren't such general categories like the others. - The posts are loading a bit slower than before, but this of course will be fixed in the next days. - There is no automatic emoticon replacement support as of now. But you can of course use the standard (Unicode) emojis, for example on a PC press the Windows key and the period ('.') key at the same to start the system's emoji selector, or on a mobile phone emojis are available through the standard on-screen keyboard.