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1st scheduled rating tournament
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1st scheduled rating tournament
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1st scheduled rating tournament
Takes place at Tanx, desert room.
Every competitor gets a distinctive rating for this time starting from 0. The winner is who gets the most point in the given time, ie. 1 hour (in case of subscribers the normal rating will be amended as well according to their achievments).
The price is a 1-month subscription for the three best players.
Everyone can participate.
Players with unsportsmanlike behaviour will be disqualified.

Friday, November 29, 2002
8-9 pm GMT, UTC
4-5 pm Atlantic
12-1 pm Pacific
9-10 pm CET

i would like to join the tournement ..29 nov.  paris time plz

falcon2002, I guess French is in CET
according to these rules i should of got a months free subscription  because i was in the top three but .... i dont have the subscription as yet 

its ok i got it now, distinguished is quite cool

 thnks bye


1. 150 TANK_MASTER		
2. 147 ﴾–﴿       		
3. 114 Tanx master		
4. 106 falcon2002		
5. 95  Duke	
6. 79 ratethis		
7. 75 FordTX		
8. 71 nyj			
9. 67 AAA123		
10.51 arttur88	

First 5 gets "distinguished service" status for a week, and the top 3 gets subscription for a month as well.

Congratulations to all the winners,  I had a great time,  looking forward to another one soon. ;)

I wish there would have been prior notice of the event.Looking forward to the next competition.
If i play in the tournament and end up in first place in my group!  Can you ad those points to my original rank. And what if i loose would you deduct from it? 
got in late...only played about 10 minutes....so take me off the list and give credit to sopmeone who played the whole hour....just wanted to try the desert terrain...was fun.....pass on the rank.....please remove .... 
oh yeah   forgot......was fun shootin 

2.4 Messages that criticize others 

[Edited by: MILITARY POLICE on Nov 29, 2002 10:45 PM]
Sorry I missed the tournament :_| Hopefully I will be able to be in the next one :D Maybe a little more advanced announcement next time ?:|

B-) Mr. Bluze
Hilarious...editing my mild little massage for"criticizing others".....especially when one considers the swamp of scorn one wades through at this "forum." Hardly criticism, it was rather an encouragement for the "individual" to get in the fray more often and not just observe. With all the poisonous postings left up at this site,could it be you folks at FoD are playing favorites?? (methinks yes).
Therefore to aid the thinskinned overly sensitive typesa few points to consider...
1. it's a game
2. stay away from Hockey, Football, Basketball etc.; if you cant handle words on a screen you won't make it on the field
3. it's fun and addicting, but it's just a silly game
4. NO ONE here knows who you are...they won't take your lunch money
5. see #s 1&3
6.Read some Shakespear...people aint always nice and life aint always fair,chilluns.
7. (sigh)
8.It's even more unsportsmanlike to report to the company that "they're pickin on me"
9.it's ____ _ ____ (you know)
10. whatever happened to ol' Pointspoiler???....now there was a good player and a good sport
11. you aren't paranoid; people really are talkin about you......so what? let em waste their time....move on
12. etc
ca ne fait rein...cela va sans dire
Yay to Tanx master
he rocks;)
good job, players!!!!!
I thought the tournament was cool. even if i did get
my @ss kicked. but I got to kill Ghostrider wg a few times
when is the next turnament.

I just have to say, that the last post by Ratethis on this thread is the reason why I always loved him.

Tourny orginised along time ago already in Tanx.