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No-hit is Antony
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No-hit is Antony
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No-hit is Antony
I really like this game and love to play it, but it's getting blurry again with those path users. It doesn't make sense and it make lovely players with much experience leave this game. I don't like that. it's like No-Hit does nothing, unless there is a tournament and then turns on path, win the game and gets off. I don't know what other accounts he has, but I still don't under stand the fun of being a fraud in a free game.

FOD, please do something about it. also with his other fraud accounts.

Thanks in advance,

A nice player with just one account.
I agree with you completely. Players like Neil Robertson(Naveed Rock). No Hit (Ant), Bonita Lbjo etc. Winning constantly tournaments for free days. Or are very high in top 20 with 1000 plus points. And everybody knows they cheat. But it's difficult for the mods to proof. And Emperor sorry, but yes you can be lucky sometimes, but all the time with impossible shots never. And many yes have several nicks with different ip addresses. So it's hard to detect. And yes I believe there is a program you can see lines just like in practice mode. And the funny thing is when players like Neil Robertson or No hit or Bonita Lbjo loosing, they accuse the others for using a program. And they using theirselves. Very laughable. But never the less I hope they will get caught. And one thing you can do is font play them. Only in tournament it's a bit difficult. Have fun with the games.
Open ur eyes i miss so much for being a program...
We have open our eyes Ant. So as everybody. That's why Ronald puts this message on the forum.
Hi, I had the same experience too, I've been away from from Flyordie snooker for 8-10 years, I've come back because I love playing this game and I have some spare time apart from work on some days in the week. But to come back to witness and experience obvious activity is not good. I don't believe in this using paths/lines etc.. play the game fairly and you will get none of these accusations. I agree with Ronald Flexible, their are many other players here who feel the same way. I'm one of them.  I win games with genuine skills and always have done. I'm a tough opponent when I play my tough game, I win some and some and lose some.  I was also reading here on another topic which a moderator player no 1 respectfully added that they can detect such activity. If that is the case that they can detect it i Will be glad when the ban is complete.  Best regards, enjoy and play fairly.  You will be respected for it.  After all it's the greatest online snooker game. And we all love it here so play it fairly, cheers guys have a good one.
Ant got tired of losing infinite times and decided to ask for a path to win his games, before, he used to be humiliated by many players here lol. But thats not a surprise, because he was cheating before path appeared, asking for free wins with his friends and making fake breaks in snooker. Fun is gone, you never know when you will play vs a human, because there are at least 10 programs account in top20 list lol !!!!
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= No-Hit

All Banned names.

He is a well known programmer of four in a row and the moderators always ban him and he comes back. Ofc he is using path many on pool are using it , but it cannot be stopped sadly. The moderators are trying their best to ban them though.
you are forever dealing with anthony!i think you are in love with him
You are on another planet man ! Im playing since 20 years on this website , i dont need a program or paths for poting some virtual balls. I was sure after ur lose in tourney you gonna write a new topic on me. Please have some respect. You played ur game and make a break 4 on a free table... (open by me) not my fault if your level is very bad, or if you stress vs me but pot a ball in billard. Learn to play and stop crying on every shot. Some players report me since 1 year about program / paths etc. Im always here, if i was a programmer flyordie are probably detect it before :) 

I repeat , learn to play and accept to lose.
it's a pitty you're still here, giving yourself likes with all your accounts. we all know you use paths and you bragged about it in this forum every now and then. we can all look it up. lot's of people quit this nice game because of your attitude and flyordie doing nothing about it. it's a shame actually. tournaments were supposed to be fun, now it's blurred with whatever double accounts are playing with weird statistics. I will never understand why that would be a fun way to play. it's a free game after all...
Stop whining. Fod has its own detection system for mod team. I know some old players who used "One More" with Path got banned immediately. Ant has been playing here for years and has been using No-Hit for over 1 year. As long as he's still playing, he should be clean. We all want to have fun and stay clean too, no doubt about it. 

Let's enjoy playing
Hi Daniel never once used a program in the 15+ years I've played the game, Pretty sure you can go back to check old toplists you'll always see a name of mine there in the years that I was active. As for Anthony I'm not sure why he's using a program he's always been a decent player himself but I guess his ego doesn't like the fact there are players better than him in certain games and he feels the need to use a program to keep himself at the top which is sad but not overly surprising, He's always found a way to find a form of cheating whether it was him and his friend hacking old accounts, or just getting free wins from friends its a neverending story. He's even admitted to using program/path on the forum in games and outside of flyordie but I guess he has some sort of leverage over someone to continue to play.
Anthony, cheating since 2001, doesn't learn to gamble....
Do i need to re do some games on twitch for make you sure i dont use something during my games????? goddddddddddd
Again, I was misinformed. My opinion for One More is reserved.
sorry but I've never seen you ever in the snooker room. better come with an account I know. never saw you before.
Correct: My opinion has been withheld only regarding One More but for the other players.
don't care. Never saw you in room, so it doesn't involve you. never saw you in a snooker tournament either...
They tell about no have any proofs lol. So it will keep happens everytime! No matter who obviously path users are...