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Discord community
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Four in a Row
Discord community
Posted in 
Four in a Row
Discord community
Hi, my name is Wadi. I'd like to inform the community here that there is a fairly active community of connect-4 players on the messaging app "discord." A new discord server with a brand new connect 4 platform has been created. They plan to do tournaments with a prize pool, I am in no way profiting or sponsored by this server, and I am making this forum post purely out of enthusiasm for a large competitive connect-4 community/tournament. 

The server I have mentioned is new and upcoming, in contrast, there has also been a long-established server or a series of servers with a larger and more active community, and they also host tournaments that have been going on for a while. The skill level of these tournaments is slightly lower than the pool of current active top players on "FlyOrDie" but is still leaps and bounds more skilful than other connect 4 platforms such as the app "Plato" or the website "Papergames.io" I encourage people who are interested to add me on discord (wadi#9393) and I will give you the connect-4 servers that pique your interest.
Call me in.
sure just add me on discord wadi#9393. I'm in the UBR discord server as well!
Sure mate, call me in.
Sure just add me on discord wadi#9393 or send me your discord tag!