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Fod god
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Fod god
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Fod god
What does Fod God mean in rankings?  I almost always lose to someone with that designation no matter their score.
Hello tankboy,

This is the so-called "oldtimer score". It has nothing to do with the game-related rating (points) or with a player's playing skills.

The "oldtimer score" or "dice" as some people call it, is a way for players to identify the commitment and the conduct of a player.  

The oldtimer score is calculated mainly based on time spent by playing the games. Demerits can -, and bans will cause a blow toward your oldtimer score. (points are deducted)

Kind regards,

Oldtimer score:

1 dot  -  inspired rookie
2 dots - candidate
3 dots - frequenter
4 dots - biggy
5 dots - addict
6 dots - influential
7 dots - fanatic
8 dots - despot
9 dots - fod-god
Edited by John Stewart