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Accidentally levelled my persistence stacking guy to 200 stealing now it gains like 1/10 of the xp per successful steal feels extremely bad... why do you gain so much less xp per steal at 200 thieving than 199 seems really weird.
Hi Dav7d, it's about the game "Larkinor Quest"
Good afternoon Frogger,
Ok thank you very much for enlightening me on what it was about, as it is a game I have never played so I was not really understanding what the player was referring to.

Bye and best regards
Have you considered transitioning to digging? Presumably, as a thief, you have been putting points into luck. So you should be a decent digger. For digging, XP gain scales with XL, so I'm guessing that digging would level you faster.
Its a fighter that is persistence stacking, at my lvl with 0 fighting stats its kinda difficult to kill mobs until I fix my dex / str / quick. Digging is a little better, but still less than half as good as thieving.
Sure, so I'm levelling a bunch of characters that are persistence stacking early on with the skill stealing as my fighting stats are scuffed atm. When you are at lvl 199 stealing you gain substantially more xp per steal than if you are at lvl 200, therefore when I brain farted and lvl'd one of my characters to lvl 200 stealing which I didn't actually want to do now I gain like 10 times lower xp per steal. Which basically means levelling that particular character is going to take 10 times longer =D
Interesting, I guess the xp reduction comes from the fact that you are expected to level beyond 200 stealing by stealing from players (subscriber feature only).

You might be able to get around it by stealing on Thord-Artin, but I don't know. Otherwise, I think it is an unfortunate side effect of the way leveling stealing works.
I'm already on thord-artin stealing xp is the same as on mainland unfortunately, its a bit annoying for sure guess I just have to suck it up. =[
Good Morning Crankiedank,
I would like to help you, as I noticed in the title of your topic that you are sad, I don't like to see anyone like that, so if you can explain better what is going on I would appreciate it.
