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About ip
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About ip
Why most of time server block my ip ??  First from my laptop ... After my ipad  2 times ... And in my cell phone . Make times very slow then get me out of game .. two days ago  server block my ip on my ipad ... Its nt prblm from my conaction ....:(
Hello Anna_Қareήina,

The servers here are ok. No issues. 
It must have something to do with your internet connection, your browser settings, your firewall or your internet provider.

Please contact Tech. Support:  

Kind regards, 

(I know, you asked the same question a few weeks ago. But I can say with certainty that the problem is at your end. 
Hello john  good morning

No its from here not my internet conaction ... Becuse i stopd playing through my cell phone becuse of the prblm i sent before ... And play through ipad ...was everythinh ok and good .. two days ago start prblm again But its more this time .i cant even download the server site .. it happend to me before long time at only memory game .. cant log in to it but i can at anygame .. my conaction is fast and i can log in at any web site ... Ty. .. nice day for u
Hello Anna_Қareήina,
but the servers here do not block anyone. And nobody else has that problem.
Have a nice day, too!
Kind regards, John
Hello again john 
Its happend to me  before ...and may be no one complans .. ty for replay byeee