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I'm back & subbed. Who still plays? I need a 1v1 Opponent.
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I'm back & subbed. Who still plays? I need a 1v1 Opponent.
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I'm back & subbed. Who still plays? I need a 1v1 Opponent.
I'm back and I'm subbed. Looking for someone to play some 1v1's with as there's zero competition in Tournaments for the GOAT.

Anyone active for 1v1s? Let me know here.
Hey mate. How are you doing? Take care
I'm doing fine man, good to see you're still around. Hope you're well mate, hope all is good on your end.
You still play? If so gimme some times and I will try jump on sometime to catch you on and have some games with ya again :).
Its fun to play him to be honest, im coming back next year, depanding on if i can get a sub to play for Month. 

PS: Jeff my discord doesnt work anymore because i need to verify a sms but ive no mobile phone lol Can you send me a friend request there again, add (twat_77062) as a friend there.
Haha Charlotte or Nathan trolling? 
If it's actually Charlotte aka my old French Sugar Momma Yama It's been a very long time old friend.
Hope you're well! :) and I am indeed the one and only Scottish lunatic Warrior that hasn't seen you in the better part of what, the last 10 years?

I hope you're doing good if its honestly you old friend :)
FTW already alive?
I wouldn't really ever say it was officially a Dead Clan. I've been the Leader of FTW since late 2010 after Leadership was passed over to me from FTW Shadow & Eliminator. While the game is dead now I've never really fully quit and I'm always browsing the forums several times a week to check for activity so I guess it's never been dead entirely lol. I've been somewhat lingering in hopes of seeing some old faces comeback from time to time for some games like the old days but sadly it rarely happens.
Edited by Xя Cσммaиđєя
Me and Jeff are still here, not logged in room1 anymore since the completely lack of other people so we started to chat elsewhere with each other, No one else is here and no one will come except motivate and thats the case for like around 7/8 years, Its no fun, Getting banned in a death game and waste time is No fun, we did moved on like anyone else did.
"  there's zero competition in Tournaments for the GOAT."
What you mean? lol... You subbed to play tanx which isn't even updated anymore and uses a outdated browser to play on which many can't figure to use to run tanx on. You subbed to play in a empty room? lol.. Also many have moved on with their lives. Not sure what you're trying to prove jeff? Tanx era has ended.
Hello there.

Are you here to play the game or talk negatively about it?
I checked your profile and I don't see very many TANX statitstics, this tells me you're just here to rattle me up and nothing more.
Is this the case or do you perhaps have a secret side to you that's hidden where you're my upcoming opponent and will provide me competition or should I go bully that UAG Banker in the Tournaments?
Edited by Xя Cσммaиđєя
" or should I go bully that UAG Banker in the Tournaments? "

Ain't you a banker yourself jeff ? Pot calling the kettle black lol

Go search yourself in "Player Search" ftw warrior. You're banned 1000 times on flyordie. For both banking and other types of unsportsmanlike behavior Jeff.
So many lying offences for such a irrelevant player, what a shame you are.
Those accounts were all banned for Arguing with players, Obstructing Moderators and Ban Evasion. I was not banned for unsportsmanlike conduct. 

You wouldn't know that though since you're not a Moderator with access to ban history. I don't appreciate you spreading false information about me though. It's not necessary nor is it nice. I am here to play the game and seek opponents to play with not sit and argue with someone who doesn't even PLAY the game.

Keep this up and I will report you for trying to harass me here.

Kind Regards, The GOAT.
I also would like to point out that those incidents are mainly from 2009-2011 or such. That's a very long time ago. I was younger, hot headed and far more immature than I am all these years later on. This game wasn't really a chill place in all honesty. A large majority of the users here were very confrontational and always seeking to either irritate the others or get competition out of them. There weren't too many friendly people on this game at all other than the older folks such as JM56, Nut Cracker, Ratpatrol, HarryDog WG, John (Tali) and of course who could forget Wilmac. Those older folks were a good bunch and you could always have a real conversation with them but unfortunately the other players were mainly toxic and very argumentative and I was sadly one of those at a younger age here. I've since then been through a lot in my life and I have lost many of my family to illnesses and tragic circumstances to a point where I've only my Father left in my life in terms of actual Family. I've learnt from my mistakes throughout the years and learned to respect those who are indeed my elders as well as everyone else as life is too short and time must be cherished as it is indeed precious to us all I have tried to be nice to everyone I see here even those looking to be a nuisance and cause tension for no reason but their own entertainment and sadly some folks can't accept that people change with time. Unfortunately there are always going to be people like you that for whatever reason despite after a decade choose to still come onto this forum and try to single me out when all I am doing is searching for a little friendly competition to try and living this old dying 2001 Game back up a little bit one last time.

You remind me of Taterz.. I know not if you're the same person, it's likely by your way of talking directly to me for my name and not my profile name here but either way I would very much appreciate if you could be mature and respectful instead of seeking unnecessary heated confrontation with me here as I am simply a player looking for people to play with in-game. I'm not at all interested in a fiery exchange in the forums of this website and if I am to be totally honest with you.. I somewhat regret even making the effort I have thus far as nobody else has made any whatsoever in many years.

If your only motive here is to come and wind me up and bring up my past then I will just ignore you from this point forward as I am no child and don't have time to play silly beggers with someone on the internet anymore.

Good day to you sir.
Edited by Xя Cσммaиđєя
Im argumentive too tho i try to be supportive too but its very hard at times. x.X
I mean look at the games they play, They have no idea what Tanx is <.>
It's a good thing that this site is still running Tanx tournaments every Thursday to make up for Tanx's death.
But yeah unfortunately a lot of people don't know how to access Tanx/Darts.
I've had a few folks ask me what happened to Darts then I've had to send them the URL to actually access it. It's a shame it's hidden as Darts while I am AWFUL at it is actually a fun game and I previously played it quite a bit some years ago as did my old friend Billy. Perhaps sometime they will consider popping it back onto the main page for easy access but at this stage sadly I wouldn't hold my breath as there's not much communication from them to the players..
I played Darts from 2008-2011, I left to play Tanx because Darts was already dying and some players just trow 180s out the blue because of cheating so that why i left, trowing perfect games impossable finnishes killed it, The community began to shrink and most players dominating the game were all of the lucky 4/5 of them performing, Unsure about the way they done but i cant play it since then because i know i need practice to get some skill back and nowadays, when your at Darts youd play or 1/10, 2/10 or like goats with a huge list of bans so it isnt worth the try anymore.

Tho I sometimes come to Tanx and try to play but unfortunately people cheat in this game by losing on perpose (Rate-Fixing*) for a few years, Thats why i started boosting outa boredom and i got my fair share ban list too.

[Rate-Fixing*, sometimes called Detoxing rating, A form of cheating means you lose rating just to get a bigger reward beating someone which drains people down because they lose alot to a person chemically beating you up more than it should because their perpose is to Make You A Pointloser.]

I can come back or not doesnt really matter i guess, People using the Report Button as a stick to smash before they leave the game again when they finished their pleasure "reporting" us banned and leave till they see us again and repete their behavour sitting in a dead room waiting for someone to pull out.

Other than that im happy that FTW Warrior is beating the tournaments, Thats means he takes the game seriously and im not looking for a clanwar, I know UBRs spot and it will be behind FTW in the scoring list as 2nd Just before clans like KING, UAG and SFT. Again, for everyone who was online since 2006 to make it all happen, Cheers.

UBR Sentinel The 1 and Only 1.
The annoying part is that you report those players for de-ranking their name youll end up being ignored even tho it is cheating.
They need to re-advertise it, no idea why they stopped. They never shut down the servers so it's clear it wasn't removed to be shut down. I wonder what the reason for that was.. same for Darts, find it odd. I did try asking before about it and got no response from an official Admin which is unfortunate.
I think is by the war of Ukraine and Russia
Its removed due JAVA isnt supported at certain used browsers anymore. Tho most billiards games are death in their rooms 24/7 Thats why i guess. Misfortunate.🤔🤔🤔
Hi †Uʙʀ†Sᴇɴᴛɪɴᴇʟ,
this posting is not about Billiard it is about Tanx.

Kind regards,
"Its removed due JAVA isnt supported at certain used browsers anymore."

Both Tanx and Darts are not at the main page anymore, referancing about Tanx being a Death game and those Billiard games are death aswell makes it illogical to delete them at that certain thing, However Both work on JAVA and isnt supported except on IE10 which no one wants to use, FlyOrDie Staff promised to update Tanx and Darts to HTML5 but unfortunately that never happens and both games are death for more than a decade for that specific reason.
Yeah its not about inactivity its about Java Support.
It was removed before the War began between Russia & Ukraine so it's not due to that although I can see why one might make such an assumption however the tanks on this game weren't labelled or of any specific model compared to real Military Issue Tanks used in the on-going situation between the two Countries. It's a shame that's going on there.. indeed but it's not why FOD removed TANX. They removed Darts at the same time.. I think it's simply due to how unpopular the games are at this point that they would rather advertise other games in place of those. If you noticed they replaced the two on the site with two other games.
Both games are supported by Java which lots of browsers dont allow anymore so flyordie saw that as a reason to remove those games and dont give us the HTML5 update they promised because the creators of the games are not excisting anymore.
I cant even remember Tanx was being advertised on other sites and i play it since 2008.
Hey mate i cant add you on discord, Can i talk to you on steam there, because my discord is being locked by verify password and i cant get in because ive no mobile phone.